Hank started pre school this week. He had matriculated from day care and was excited for his first day in higher learning. The morning started out a bit on the rocks as Hank was tearful and adamant he was not going. Mom can usually get him back on track but it was not looking good for a cheerful first day. This time his Dad saved the day, a successful treasure hunt yielded a Batman backpack that had room for all of his stuff. I will not go into the details of what a 3 and a half year old needs for the unknowns facing him on day one but it does fill a cubby.
Do you remember your first private storage spot at school, no way, I think we carried shopping bags. Hank got there and was being a bit shy and reticent about this new world, the teacher, Ms. Shelby, saved the day. “Hank- You know what we like to do to parents on the first day of school–push them out the door!” It was perfect, Hank pushed mom and dad out the door and his new friend Ms. S likely have a forever bond. It is a great reminder about the importance of a great teacher working in a creative environment.
I should have thought of this “gang up” on the parents idea myself. Hank has experienced several excellent coaches. Coach Greg at gymnastics allows parents/grandparents and even encourages them to be involved early in the training. I remember the day when he looked at all of the adults and said you are now on the sidelines, time for your child to soar on their own. I was pretty sure he was wrong and indeed one of us was. The soccer coaches in Hank’s life take the same approach, parents are allowed to watch, encourage, and hold the water bottle. A great coach earns the full attention of their players by engaging them and making it fun and challenging. Living vicarious through your children is a natural tendency–most parents don’t cross the line but a few should be pushed out the door.
“Teachers who love teaching ….teach children to love learning.” “The best teachers are those who show you where to look.” John Wooden said it well “a good Coach can change a game. A great Coach can change a Life.” May your young ones have great teachers and coaches . I hope we remember to thank those who are helping us shape our future.