“My hubby said the spark between us was gone, so I tasered him. I’ll ask him again when he wakes up.”

Karen and I celebrated our forty sixth anniversary this week. I jokingly say that it makes me question her judgment.  Regardless, I am fortunate to have found and married my best friend. So far, the for better or worse vow has been honored. Even in retirement; my lack of ability to co-ordinate and communicate my many calendar events or my OCD behavior seems to seriously have threatened the bonds. Karen says that we both do things that are irritating — I know what she is talking about and never mention them.  I must say through it all we have maintained our sense of humor and suggest that may be the key element in staying connected.  I also highly recommend a common focus like two great daughters and helping them reach their potential. Here’s to having a big party in IV years–just for the “L” of it.

Last week we enjoyed the beautiful Canadian landscape and people. A few things Karen and I feel we must report.  Driving down their very well maintained control access highways at 110 km (John says just multiply by .6 for mph) you see 8 foot high fences to protect the wildlife and I suppose the humans. Just as we realized the potential heartbreak of animals separated by the barrier we see an animal overpass–very clever those Canucks. We saw road signs with small black hills –bump – and some with multiple black mounds – many bumps.  A sign on a steep road pictured rocks rolling down hill – in Canada every picture tells the story, no need for words.  Aye, the Grizzly bear warnings are frightening – do not walk with fewer than four people – I assume that is the best serving size for the great bear. Our hotel featured an honor bar, take what you want and fill out the form, a very refreshing concept.  The Canadians we met were very diplomatic about the current state of politics in our country and our leadership. If you have not tried “poutine” you are missing a treat.  French fries and cheese curds topped with brown gravy is credited to French Quebec. Karen was reluctant as she prefers French wine but she helped clean the bowl. We concluded our trip with a guided fly fishing adventure, the guide became a friend and I plan on a round of golf with him in the near future.  Visit Canada you cannot go wrong.

Mark Twain had a way with words, “good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”  Or as Karen might say “turns out I like you a lot more than I originally planned.”  Enjoy your good fortune.
