Politics is a mystery to me. Leverage is frequently used to gain necessary votes, this is not compromise-it is expediency. This week our country and our financial reputation will likely again be put at risk while we properly debate DACA and building a ridiculous wall at the expense of properly funding our commitments. Come on people – job 1 should be to assure that the USA is the gold standard and catalyst for the world economy. I understand it would take several trillion dollars to bring our aging infrastructure up to safety standards. One in every ten bridges you cross is structurally inadequate. Not to mention that we lag behind many nations in STEM oriented education, our aging population will continue to push health care access and affordability issues, and our innovation dominance is no longer assured. Please do not lose sight of the future and the investments that must be made today!!
The Octopus is a very smart creature. They have no bones so a 200 pound cephalopod can fit through any space wider than its beak which is just a few inches. No wonder they have been mystified and feared. They have eight arms, (they are called arms…that have suckers from top to bottom) These creatures can change color and texture and obviously shape. Turns out they are very old. The first fossils date back 296 million years, they have three hearts and the pairs of arms can act independently as they solve problems. They have blue blood because their blood is copper based instead of iron based (which is what most animals have). They use their ink to hide but it also contains tyrosinase, a blinding eye irritant to predators. Recent studies suggests that the Octopus demonstrates personality traits like expressing empathy. Not only can they use tools and solve puzzles, they can leave the water to hunt and also exhibit the ability to remember. One tongue in cheek report suggested they may be political, one reportedly bit Ted Cruz.
It would be a stretch to compare the Octopus to the many shape shifters we are witnessing today in our political leadership. You will have to draw your own conclusions. I do encourage you to get involved is prioritizing the best interests of our country and supporting those who are able to listen to all issues and find reasonable compromise.
I asked Hank what he likes the most about his Oooma (Grandma) and he said “everything.” That is a ringing endorsement from a wise four year old!
Enjoy the week end, Mike