Merlin is a legendary Welsh figure best known as a wizard or warlock featured in Arthurian legend. Merlin as a magician has been featured in many fantastic stories. An original depiction looks a lot like Gandolph and Dumbledore of more current fame.  I was interested by the namesake of Merlin as it is the owner and operator of Legoland among 125 other properties. We had a wonderful time at this Florida theme park this week. I like to visit with motivated and positive employee and our dinner server told me she loves working for this company. Tori is a mom with a thirteen year old   daughter and a husband who travels, she needs a flexible schedule. No surprise, she values the company and was coming back early the next day because they needed the help. The park is clean, efficient and affordable and if you have a 4 year old Ninja master as a grandchild it could not be a better place.  Tears were shed when we left the park. On to Disneyworld for more fun—the bar is set very high.

Merlin Entertainment Group is an environmentally sensitive company.  The parking lot auto covers are topped with solar panels, park waste is recycled, and the benches are each made of recycled milk cartons, it takes 800 milk jugs, and  they expect the same from their business partners.  Merlin’s Magic Wand is a charitable organization founded in 2008 to deliver magical experiences to seriously ill, disabled and disadvantaged children across the world. Since inception 377,000 children and their families have enjoyed a day out to create precious happy memories.  The company uses a portion of its ticket revenue to fund this charity.  If you are living in the Sea, Merlin also funds the Sea Life Trust to make a measurable difference to the protection of marine wildlife and habitats.  The attention to detail is very apparent in the Park and the quirky but fun hotel that is totally built with legos as are all of the exhibits. Disco music starts as soon as the doors of the elevator close with a spinning ball that lights the chamber, most everyone dances as you go up and down. If you want to feel young again-Legoland might be the place for you.

It is Margie’s first birthday today!! We will celebrate at the pool.  Her cousin Clio began walking in earnest this week at 13 months and life is about to change for her parents.  Time marches on, don’t miss a second.

Enjoy the week end,   Mike