Hank and I scaled the local Pilgrim Cove landmark this week. He rode his strider bike there and had on his super good tennis shoes. Our goal was to get to the top. He and his mother had failed in this mission earlier this summer, flip flops are a bit slippery for the rock surface. As we began our ascent, Hank determined it was way too steep and we would not make it. Although his concern was justified in some regard I had been to the top before with his mom, that was thirty plus years ago but I had experience. We discussed what could go wrong as we took our first step and all the way up until we reached the summit. A round of applause was in order. Like so many things in life, that first step into un-chartered territory requires courage.

Being on top is great, what I had not recalled is how much easier it is going up than coming down. Hank was concerned that we could fall, smart kid. Yes, your weight and momentum tend to send you forward if you are standing. He soon determined there was no shame in descending like his sister Margie is suppose to go down the stairs, with his butt on the rock. Seemed like the right plan and we both safely reached the ground in a modified “upside down crab walk” as described by Hank. We probably did not earn any “style points”, however, mission accomplished. It has been very entertaining re-growing up with the grandchildren, I recommend you take time to see it from their perspective.

It is summer and we are off to the lake. I leave you with a fine British axiom and a good way to live life “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Enjoy your most precious time. Mike