The picture of the cousins in Ooma’s arms was taken at a festive Xmas Brunch.  They had a similar reaction to the opportunity to sit on Santa’s lap.  Most of the morning was highlighted by running and laughing and those endearing hugs. If they were a bit older I would imagine the state of the world they will inherit is causing them angst.  Perhaps the opening speech from David Attenborough, the Planet Earth narrator at the United Nations Climate change Conference caused the wailing.  “The collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon,” Perhaps the news that the very important coral reefs in our oceans are not responding to efforts to save them was upsetting.  The girls love animals and they may have been saddened by the news that the world’s last male northern white rhinoceros is dead.  I could go on about things to cry about but it is the holiday season and the “die is not yet cast” for the earth. Ok, it is most likely they just wanted down and crying is an effective way to earn your freedom.

Did you realize we-NASA-landed a spacecraft on Mars on November 26th. Amazing when you consider a six month journey through space which successfully concluded in the plains of Elysium Planitia.  InSight is the name of the lander, after the high speed approach the vehicle had to slow from 12,300  m.p.h. to 5 m.p.h. in 7 minutes to safely touch down. The engineers involved call it “seven minutes of terror”.  Not sure we can move the entire population of the planet to Mars. Perhaps plan A should include developing carbon free nuclear energy.  Right here in Idaho at the National Lab a small modular reactor project is under way and is scheduled to be operational by 2026.  Add, a rapidly developing battery storage capability and wind and solar production can be saved for use when there is demand. Significant reduction in the world’s reliance on fossil fuels can change the trajectory of climate change. I am convinced our scientists can find the solution when enlightened leadership makes this our primary focus.

“Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can’t change” and I would add leave it better than you found it.  Enjoy the season.  Mike