This coming Saturday is a special day for many of us Earthlings. Few of us can forget, or not have seen, the Stars Wars Trilogy. The first movie was a box office sensation created by George Lucas. The story goes that Lucas wanted the rights to remake Flash Gordon, failing to get that permission he set about creating his own science fiction story. There are many parallels today from this saga of light versus darkness and good versus evil. The first film, titled a New Hope, focuses on a struggle between democracy and dictatorship. Darth Vader’s design is inspired by a samurai armor and incorporated a German military helmet. The Stormtroopers are also right out of war history. References to a fictional universe “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” where many species of aliens, often humanoids, co-exist with robots and droids. Seems like they have avoided immigration issues and nationalistic angst. The Resistance is in a constant battle to overcome the oppressive dictatorship. “The force” is “an energy field created by all living things…that binds the galaxy together”. The few that master the force are able to showcase various superpowers. There is force in both the good and evil combatants. During the first major air battle, the General encourages his outnumbered legions, “May the force be with you.” Two years later when Margaret Thatcher became prime minister of England, on May 4, her political party placed a congratulatory ad in a London paper, “May the Fourth be with You, Maggie”. That clever play on words started the unofficial holiday.
May 4, also happens to be my Granddaughter Margie’s birthday, join me in helping lightsaber her two candles into flame. I am hoping she gets her wish as she blows out the candles. My friends and Friday message readers may recall that Margie was born within a minute of the death of my Brother Bob. I continue to view it as a circle of life example and it keeps my brother top of mind for our family. Yoda, Jedi master reminds us, “death is a natural part of life.” It is also a reminder that I need to stay in close touch with those who add meaning to my life.
Cinco de Mayo happens to be my youngest daughter’s birthday. Here’s to Katie as she closes in on her Jack Benny birthday. I pass on Jack’s treasured advise, “its mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” There are lots of things that matter, hope you can focus on those!
The force of good was with the Idaho Not for Profits this week as they set a new record by raising $1,873,909 in a 24 hour period! Way to go pull together Idaho.