I have enjoyed the opportunity to support our six year old first grade grandson in his on line education. Two days a week he is actually in school and three days he is remote and virtual. His mom works from home, but many phone calls and meetings make it better for Hank to be with us. I can only imagine the stress in many households where the kids are home while a parent tries to work, supervise, and parent. Hank has excellent computer skills so he does not need us to move through his homework agenda or for the most part with his assignments. Early on in his at home class, I checked in and Hank was doing his homework and had figured out how to play his favorite music at the same time. Whoa, we don’t listen to music while we study. You can image the incredulous why?
We have gotten beyond that and I now have been invited to watch some of his free time learning videos. This week I saw a video of a dog trained to retrieve plastic bottles from the beach and from under the water. Next we watched a video of the threat of a warming climate to the arctic ice packs. This was scary as oceans rise 10 feet, climates change, dangerous quantities of mercury is released from the permafrost, all current coasts become uninhabitable, and the severity of storms can only be estimated. I asked Hank what was causing the rise in our global temperatures, he replied green house gases. Hank even understands what has to happen to mitigate the risks and for him to make a difference. There is hope for our planet if we can continue to educate our children and get them involved in leadership, they understand science and are hoping the adults can focus on this critical issue.
I outlined my good friend’s heroic battle with cancer last week. I am very sad to report that his struggle ended on Tuesday. Rich was surrounded by his loving family and his final hours included a celebration of life in music. Good friends will keep his sense of humor alive as they said “his death is a loss for many but a big gain for the hereafter” and “there is more humor in heaven with Rich there”. Rich will be missed but long remembered for the difference he made in so many lives. Please join me in expressing Condolences to the amazing Tonya.
I thought the smiling faces of my grand girls holding a moth would brighten your day and remind that our future is in good hands. Mike