I was playing a game with Margie, our nearly four year old grand daughter. I have to admit I was not giving her or the  game my full attention, she admonished me, Boompa, focus, focus, you are not paying attention. Margie was correct. I put all the other distractions aside and focused on the most important thing of the moment. I do not want Margie to be upset with me!

We see this phenomenon every day with nearly everyone who owns a smart phone.  The thing is always buzzing, ringing, beeping or vibrating. What could be so important as to keep us from enjoying each moment with friends, family, or especially the kids. The answer is painful but obvious, focus on what matters.

I had coffee on Thursday with a long time friend, business associate, and mentor. I will call him Charlie. We met at the coffee shop with a two other business folks, everyone had their cell phone sitting on the table in front of them except Charlie. He is an older gentleman and I asked if he used a mobile phone, “yes indeed”, but his phone was in the car, he did not want anything to take his attention away from our discussion. His focus for an hour was going to be only on our interaction.  With age sometimes comes wisdom.  Charlie is the same person who always takes the time to write a thank you note after any meeting and is genuinely interested in how you and your family are doing.

Margie will celebrate her fourth birthday on May 4. As those of us who love Star Wars understand, may the fourth (force) be with her.  It was a twist of fate that saw my older brother Bob pass away on that same day in 2017 and one minute after Margie arrived. I miss Bob but believe that Margie is a positive reminder of the inevitable cycle of life. Margie is a delight and Bob would have loved to meet her. I hope the Margie in your world will be a reminder to “focus” on things that matter.

Katie Mooney Haga is our Cinco de Mayo girl. We are very proud of her many accomplishments. I am now able to say my baby girl is the same age as Jack Benny. Please join me in wishing her a happy 39th.

I want to be totally upbeat, so I will not mention the disaster that is our House of Representatives in Idaho. Cutting the budgets of U of I, Idaho State, and Boise State to punish them for fulfilling their mission is nonsensical. Education teaches our children how to think—not what to think. More on this topic next week.

Keep wearing your masks, we are rounding the bend, if we can only get everyone to focus on the facts.

Enjoy the week end.   Mike