I had mixed emotion with Governor Little’s State of the State Address this week. The positive was a continued commitment to Education in Idaho. Unfortunately, Education’s priority fell from top of the list and the funding proposal though large is not enough. Most disappointing, the speech focused on Idaho’s large surplus, Biden/Government bashing, and tax reductions for our citizens. I do believe Idaho does a credible job with fiscal responsibility. Taking credit for the very large surplus, $1.9 billion is just disingenuous. The CARES act alone was $1.25 billion for Idaho and there are many other Federal Government sources of funds that have benefited Idaho. I guess it would be damning with faint praise if we admitted the dependence on DC while condemning the same source of needed revenue.
The Governor noted the Federal deficit will approach $29 trillion this year. The deficit is too high but he failed to remind us that it grew over $7 trillion under the past 4 year Republican administration in relatively positive economic times. The previous 8 years saw national debt grow by about $8 trillion but it included the financial rescue package that likely saved the solvency of our country. Idaho benefits from Federal funding in many ways not to mention our roadways and health care. It is also, self serving to blame the current inflationary uptick on Biden when it is clear that it is the result of the supply chain and economic disruption created by the global pandemic. Efforts to expedite cargo ship unloading and transportation to get goods to our country proved meaningful and helped assure goods for Xmas shopping. Inflation will moderate over the next year and could be faster if everyone helped lessen COVID impacts.
I must say I am very frustrated with our State spending any money on fighting proposed mask mandates. No mention was made in the Governors comments about Idaho imposing crisis standards of care, rationing treatment as our hospitals were overrun with COVID patients, most of those in the ICU, unvaccinated. I suppose it is the right of each of us to make decisions for ourselves. I don’t believe that my personal rights give me permission to put friends and family at risk. Idaho is still near the bottom on vaccination percentages as we enter another waive of the virus. Spend the litigation money on testing and vaccine education please.
Hats off to the Boise School District Trustee’s for their unanimous vote to offer free full time kindergarten to all students beginning in 2022-3 school year. This is an important step to improve school readiness for all students across the district. Board President, Dave Wagers stated “the evidence is clear that full day kindergarten is much more effective academically than half-day kindergarten. This investment in early childhood education will ensure an equitable and accessible kindergarten program for families in our district.” The new program will replace a tuition based kindergarten program now offered in 20 of the districts 32 elementary schools. Idaho has a long way to go in the important work of pre-k preparation for our children, full time kindergarten is an excellent start.
Teacher salary increases and proposed bonus payments are well deserved. Please join me in thanking our many exceptional teachers for their commitment to our students.
Stay well. Mike