For the last ten years Mmma and I have been walking the golf course, early in the morning and usually again toward dusk. We have seen all manner of critters as she runs and chases her ball. The bobcat family lives in the canyon and we occasionally see them. Last spring, Mmma took off in hot pursuit of something that climbed in the big tree above my head. It was the baby bobcat who sat contentedly and safely high up in the branches. Knowing mother cat was likely close by we quickly moved on. Mmma has chased the raccoons, an occasional skunk, a porcupine, many white tail deer and most days she chases the coyotes. This is a dangerous pursuit as one of the pack tries to lure the prey to where the rest of crew await. Mmma is a border collie and very smart, she knows when I start yelling to “come” she best make tracks back to me. For all those years we have peacefully and respectfully co existed in the great outdoors.
Late last week, we were at the top of the trail and Mmma took off to chase her ball. By the time I got over a little rise, she had been surrounded by two large coyotes with a third moving quietly down the hill to join the pack. It was surreal as the animals were so focused on their expected 45 pound breakfast, they did not see me. I carry a golf club for just such an occasion and I called Mmma to come and charged down the hill like a mad person, screaming at the top of my lungs. Apparently I am big and scary, the pack scattered. The alpha coyote followed uncomfortably close behind us for several hundred yards. Mmma did not leave my side. I did not see any contact with the pack but it turned out a few hours later, Mmma began limping and we found one single bite mark on your hind paw. Called the Vet, told the story. The Vet said send me a picture of the bite, which we did and he prescribed an antibiotic and anti inflammatory. Telemedicine for a dog. We took Mmma the next day and the Vet felt she was going to be fine after a thorough exam. The clinic had seen three other coyote bite animals in a few months and said you could count on the wound being infected. I am not a fan of the coyote and my live and let live attitude is now very strained.
Best to understand your enemy. The coyote are found in most of the United States and Canada. The animals are not picky with habitat because they adapt so well nearly anywhere. That said, they live mainly in deserts, grasslands, and forests, and build dens in shrubbery or trees often near golf courses. The coyote is an omnivore, they will eat or try to eat almost anything. They are thought to be nocturnal but seeing them in the daytime is a warning they are used to humans and more likely to attack. The best way to defend yourself is to yell as loud as possible and throw something at them. The experts suggest a pop can filled with pennies or small stones, apparently that noise irritates them. I forgot to take my rattle with me or I could have thrown it at them. The paws are similar to a dog print, but can be distinguished. The tracks are always in a straight line, as opposed to a dog who tend to wander in serpentine fashion to smell their territory. Dogs run with their tails up, and coyotes run with their tails down. The coyote has few natural predators, are good swimmers, as noted, will eat almost anything. Watching them over the years, they are so well camouflaged in the foothills you detect motion rather than seeing them. Sneaky creatures and deadly. Do not leave small children or animals unattended in your yard or near the golf course.
I was supposed to be heartened to know their favorite food includes rabbits, mice, voles and shrews and they play a pivotal role to help maintain “healthy ecosystems and species diversity.” They have few natural enemies and become the top predator in their ecosystem. We should be thankful that they regulate the number of “mesocarnivores (skunks, raccoons, and foxes) which theoretically boosts biodiversity.” It is true in our experience the population of mesocarnivores has dropped significantly with the rise of the coyotes. I think I prefer the skunks over the increasingly aggressive coyotes. I loved the Roadrunner and no longer feel sorry for his treatment of Wily.
I now understand the motivation of the coyote and possible defense strategies. For the life of me I cannot get my head around those who want their children to live in a world of misinformation and denial. Representative Dorothy Moon, she doesn’t physically live in outer space, representing Stanley, claims Critical Race Theory is being taught at pre-K level. Moon cited “evidence” that made at least one accurately informed colleague roll her eyes. Representative Yamamoto, a former teacher, later said to KTVB, “she has friends who been educators for decades, and CRT is not something that is happening in Idaho classrooms”. She continued, most teachers “are trying to make sure little people are reading and reading well enough they can go on to read to learn.” The fact that we are teaching children to read to learn should be frightening to Ms. Moon, who knows what they may choose to read—I always started with the stuff I was told not to read.
I encourage you to get involved with your schools and have an informed conversation with your legislators.
Thanks for getting vaccinated and wearing a mask, Idaho is not out of the woods yet.