The Russian currency is called the ruble or the rouble. It seemed like adding a T to the original spelling of the currency was appropriate. The world is up in arms over the unprovoked attack of the Ukraine by Russia. The overwhelming vote of the United Nations to condemn the war was history making. The sanctions placed on the Russian oligarchs and economy are taking their intended toll. The rouble has lost a significant portion of its value to the U S Dollar, inflation in the country is rampant, and the ability to access bank accounts is problematic. There is big T-rouble in the day to day lives of the Russian people as a result of the actions of their rogue leader. Russians are protesting the war and being arrested for their bravery. Anyone in our country who expresses admiration for Putin must ignore the invasion which each day turns more brutal and deadly. Civilians are dying including innocent women and children, there is nothing to admire about the actions of this mad man.
Meanwhile here in the United States the Republican Party is pushing for more gas and oil production. Seems like the opportunity to replace Russian oil with our production is an expedient solution. If you disregard climate change impacts which are real and dire- oil is a quick fix. Facts support that renewable clean energy is cost effective. If the world was not under imminent threat of Greenhouse gases, mostly related to burning fossil fuels, I might accept an interim solution. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce suggests increased oil and gas production today without taking our eye off the need to slow global warming. This topic is worthy of your attention.
Nothing should take our focus from the bravery of the Ukrainian people in the face of the unprovoked attack as well as the heroic leadership of their truly fearless leader. Ukrainians love their country and their sacrifices are truly inspirational.
The picture is the dawning of a hopeful new day in Idaho. I would wish the Ukrainian people were allowed to enjoy their own sunrise with hope for the day and without fear.
We are very fortunate to live in this country. Enjoy the week end. Mike