Some weeks it is a challenge to decide what to write about that may add some value or insight. I had dinner Thursday night with family members who suggested I could comment on relativity. I did not think they were talking about Einstein. Employees working for companies are upset they have to go back to the office at least part time, regardless of the perks offered to ease the transitions. The unemployment rate in Idaho is a record setting low of 2.7%. Idaho is very fortunate to have only 25,000 unemployed people at the end of March. Many employees have leverage and they are enjoying it.
The national unemployment rate is 3.6% with six million people looking for or between jobs. The US economy is on fire following an unprecedented pandemic shut down. Are we thankful as a nation for our good fortune? Gas prices are too high, food costs more than we would like, housing is not available or affordable for everyone. I know it is an election year but the supply chain and resource issues were not created by Biden or the current administration.
Not all of our fellow citizens are able to easily cope with the inflationary pressures of today. I recognize there are still many inequities in our country. I am empathetic for those who struggle to make ends meet. For the rest of our citizens I am suggesting our sacrifice pales in comparison to those in the Ukraine. It is all relative and we are so very lucky to live in this country.
I am very tired of the distractions and misdirection created by those who drone on about wokeness, critical race theory, indoctrination of children, cancel culture, voter fraud….and the list goes on. Please focus our national and regional attention on solutions to actual problems that threaten our democracy.
And finally April 24, 1980 was a very good day in our lives, Megan Elizabeth Mooney was born. She has built a noteworthy career in the legal profession, is a fantastic mother, a fast friend to many and a fine person.
Happy birthday to Meg. Mike