It is a birthday week in our family. On May 3, my nephew Daniel, on May 4, our Star Wars girl, Margie, and on Cinco de mayo, our youngest child Katie. At my advanced age, the parties are taking a toll, one must sample the special wine of the night, eat the plentiful entree’s and the can’t pass on desert. I just finished another chocolate cupcake from Margie’s birthday at lunch today. I am pretty sure I cannot get in enough steps to offset the calories and sugar. 

Katie was a delightful child most days and she matured into a very special human being. Katie is an exceptional mother- I appreciate the care and attention devoted to Clio, she is a lucky girl. There were moments when we wondered when she could leave for college. That said she excelled in school, a graphic designer with entrepreneurial skills willing to take smart risks. I am proud to say she has stayed in communication with Karen and I.  Several times during her high school days she called to ask for advice. In those situations she and her friends were at parties, raided by the Boise City Police, and were trapped inside the house.  Once she was well hidden in an attic, the other time in a front room. She had not been drinking in the second instance and she accepted the advice to leave the house and surrender. Because of the early warning, I was waiting for the call from the police who had her with those cool finger cuffs in the back of the police car.  The rest of the kids were lined up in the gutter with the same restraints. The police gave me Katie and took the rest of the group to the station. I could go on with so many stories but join me in wishing KT the happiest 40th birthday. 

Miss Margie Marie Mooney is just an unique as her name. Five years ago on May 4th at 4:45 in the afternoon she was born, Margie is a circle of life child. At 4:44 that very same day in a hospital in Salt Lake her Uncle Bob passed away. LIfe is a continual progression with only one final option, we chose to find the positive aspects and the forever tie that binds us together. Margie joined her friends at Fly High for an early birthday celebration, hundreds of kids jumping on trampolines and other semi safe games and the kids go on to screaming in delight for hours. Karen and I were able to appreciate the energy level for about an hour. Margie is seldom seen without her cousin Clio and you will glad to know they are sharing the same boy friend. Happy birthday to Margie. If you were one of Bob’s many friends or acquaintances recall his often repeated phrase, “we did not come all this way to lay up.” 

War is raging in Ukraine, there are global economic and social challenges, women’s rights in our own country are threatened;  racial prejudice, anti semitism, white supremacy et al, fuel hate and paranoia as a political strategy. There is hope, if we all get involved.  A Haitian immigrant in a Florida high school formed a club in 2017–“no one eats alone.” His outreach has grown across our nation, based on the value of simple acts of kindness. Students circulate during lunch time to make sure no student is alone or forgotten. That simple inclusion of a struggling student has proven positive results. 

Make a difference for someone today as we close out Idaho Gives Day, if you can afford it make an extra gift to your favorite group.  To the rest of you, a very merry “unbirthday to you!”   Mike