Imagine Karen’s surprise when she found this small snake in her sewing room this week. After some debate about whether it was poisonous or not, I bravely took a box and shovel and captured the aggressively striking creature. Vipers are poisonous, they have pupils that are vertical  and their scales are keeled. If you look at a picture you can see the slight ridge on their backs or you can pet them and feel for the rough skin. I have to say, I did not see the pupils of this snake nor did I pet it when I sent it on its way onto our side hill. We are pretty sure it is a bull snake, not a viper.

With most of nature you can tell which animals are dangerous. Humans would be a noteworthy exception. Some of us give away our true beliefs or intentions with our speech or actions. Jim Jordan is a transparent politician, a far right ideologue and conspiracy theorist. His actions demonstrate his disdain for the institution of democracy.  He is a former wrestler who still believes he can achieve his goals by twisting arms and making threats. Jordan is not a leader and certainly not a serious legislator. A hearty thank you to the 22 Republicans who voted for the good of their country, party allegiance aside, including our own Congressman Mike Simpson. 

I  am reading a book about the growth of the KKK in the 1920’s. It is so disheartening to understand the rapid expansion of that group under the guise of religion but with a stated purpose to keep the blood lines clean. No mixing with mongrels. This group gained great power quickly by creating a social network. They enlisted women and even developed a Kiddie Klan. They expanded a vigilante network that operated outside the law but was not challenged. The KKK was not just anti Black progress, they hated Catholics, Jewish people and all who threatened their white ideal. I have not finished the book yet which I understand explains how one women’s sacrifice finally exposed the plan to gain the White House.  (Fever in the Heartland)

If you have not listened to ULTRA podcast by Rachel Maddow, I recommend it. The story of a plot to support the German efforts and overthrow the US Government just prior to WWII by our own citizens. It is an elaborate plan that included the destruction of several of our munition plants, and reached to the Senate where several legislators were engaged in spreading German propaganda using their free mailing privileges. White people are superior and must rule the world? One patriotic citizen in California persistently researched the  facts that eventually shed light on the plot and led to this group crawling back under its rock.

The coup to overturn our Presidential election was about individual power. Violent actors included conspiracy theorists and those affiliated with white nationalism.  History does repeat itself. 

Our constitutional ideal is still a work in progress, not everyone wants “liberty and justice for all” or embraces the thought that ‘all of us are created equal.’ 

Enjoy the beautiful weather and thank our lucky stars we live in this country.   Mike