The world is a buzz about AI. What does it mean for the future? Is it truly a threat to the world as we know it.  Depends I suppose on who is using it and for what purpose. Paul McCartney and Ringo used AI it to record a near perfect remix of a John Lennon, psychedelic soft ballad recorded in l977 as a solo piano home demo. They made a try at finishing the song in l995 but the recording did not allow them to separate the voice and music.  I suggest you take a step back in time to watch the new video of the Beatles together playing this song.  Those may have been the good old days.

I enjoyed a busy week, Tuesday came and went and with it my claim to be a year younger than Karen. I like to add the numbers together so I am a perfect 10 for this year.  Or I could reverse them and be the number that my brother Jack wore as he played football for Utah State. Now and Then is about needing someone to care for you and having them present at the right time. The ballad reminds us, it is all about you, missing you, and wanting you to be there.  “If I make it through, it is all because of you!!” I have a most excellent spouse and family, very fortunate.  I always say, 364 days a year it is a very merry un-birthday to me!! 

You can see what Chandler’s made for me, a beautiful soufflé. They offer a complimentary soufflé for birthdays and anniversaries.  It is embarrassing but my Board friends got in the habit of always suggesting it was someone’s special occasion. I was thrilled that I actually qualified for this dessert. It is a warm chocolate cake, served hot, the top is opened and hot chocolate is poured in followed by a fancy whipped cream.  I am pretty sure it is not on the approved heart healthy list, but Now and Then it can’t hurt.

Life is a long and winding road. I met a swim coach this week at the kids aquathon. The goal is to swim as many laps as possible in one hour.  Hank and Clio were both determined to swim 100 lengths of the pool or 2500 meters.  My job was to count laps. In the time in between, I learned about the coach.  She lost her leg due to an illness at l6 and is a shining role model for kids, she has overcome that issue to swim, ski, run marathons and is Director of the Adaptive Winter Sports group.  We talked about raising kids and she told me her twins were living on their own.  They are still in their teens, are they ok? She and her husband did not smooth the road for them—they gave them the skills to navigate around the obstacles. Now and Then you learn something inspirational. 

Keep our democracy safe.  Mike