I have heard for years and believed it myself, too much sugar makes the kids hyperactive and basically out of control. This generally is a topic of discussion around Halloween. Have you ever said it? Well, it is a myth that first appeared in medical literature in l922. In l975, Dr. Feingold published what ended up as a best selling book. “Why Your Child is Hyperactive”.  The tome was based on some studies that suggested a link between sugar and hyperactivity. Remember the 70’s focus on children with Attention deficit disorder and the use of drugs to treat the issues. Parents were very happy to accept that sugar may be the culprit and reduce or eliminate it from diets. Later studies conclude that sugar does not affect children’s behavior or cognitive function. Moderation in sugar intake for kids and adults may help to protect them against obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Informed decisions are always a wise choice. 

You may enjoy Margie’s vibe as she dressed for her visit to her Dentist. Not a care in the world least of all anxiety about the cleaning or examination. Margie learned that brushing and flossing are critical to remove plaque. She now uses those cool purple plaque disclosing tablets. The dye sticks to the places that she missed while brushing, allowing Margie to improve her technique. She has taken doing a good job seriously. Thanks to the Dental hygienists and the Dentists for their kindness and patience.

Playing word games is known to be useful for keeping your mind engaged.  Karen and I play Wordle each morning. I only play the 5 letter version, she plays a six letter quiz as well. Karen has started doing cross word puzzles which occasionally I am asked a question. A five letter word, what was Benjamin Franklin’s Religion? Deism is the correct response. Neither of us were familiar with this religion.

Deism is the belief in the “existence of a supreme being, specifically a creator who does not intervene in the universe.” It was an intellectual movement of the 17th and l8th century that “accepted a creator on the basis of reason but rejected the idea of a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.” It is thought that Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe practiced Deism. “A philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems.”  Franklin felt what we believe about God, is not as “important as living a life of love and significance.”  The founders believed we should be guided by morality-a responsible relationship toward the laws of the natural world.  What were they thinking!!

Imagine a world where the Golden Rule was the non negotiable standard. I guess we haven’t yet lived up to our own national vision of liberty and justice for all and certainly no evidence we embrace the all humans are created equal concept.

I cannot understand the Middle East ethnic and religious hatred. I am still mystified by the hatred in our country. Freedom is on trial every day. America is too great for hate. 
