Perhaps the solstice is the reason it seems that someone has sucked kindness and compassion out of our world.  We still hear about positive things happening in places around the globe. That said, the news is mostly horrifying.  Our Congressional delegations are not representing us. In past times we may have rejoiced at the least productive year on record for our lawmakers. Aren’t we better off when we can just live with the status quo. This year is unique, the United States plays prominently in world leadership.  What are we doing to protect democracy in the Ukraine, what support should we be providing Israel, what can we do to solve a decades old immigration policy void on our own border. Seriously, I am very sick of extremists dictating the future of our country.

Take Back Idaho PAC was formed for the purpose of “restoring civility, responsibility, and pragmatism to Idaho politics.”  The aspiration, oppose extremists and support those candidates who actually want to serve the public.  I propose a take back America PAC with the same intent!!  The Lincoln Project is trying to overcome the anti democratic vitriol, lies, and bigotry spewed daily by the former President and his minions.  We cannot give up the battle for our Country and the freedoms we have apparently come to take for granted.

Back to the shortest day of the year. A day when the Sun reaches its “northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.” Combining the Latin words sol for “Sun” and sistere for “To Stand Still”. Ancient astronomers came to know the day as one where the Sun literally appeared to stop traveling.  The equinoxes and the solstices mark the start of the astronomical seasons. James Taylor put it in song, “winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you’ve got to do is call, and I’ll be there…you’ve got a friend.”  Turns out our friend is “nature”. We traditionally decorate Evergreen trees, boughs, or wreaths and add seasonal brightness to our homes. The tradition serves as a reminder to embrace light during the darkest day of the year and honor the building force of nature.

Christmas is not on the winter solstice. It seems there are various schools of theological thought on why December 25th is the day we hold sacred. Regardless, I hope you all embrace and are graced with the spirit of the season.

Please take a moment to wish Jeff Mooney a happy 71st birthday.  
We enjoyed the Christmas dance pageant with one of its brightest stars, Margie wishes you all a very Merry Xmas.   Mike