It is a New Year and mandatory for us human’s  to keep striving to improve or change. I have reviewed a lot of well intended advice from friends, family, and experts of varying persuasions. This week I attended Clio’s Taekwondo lesson and appreciated her focus on the goal of earning her advanced green belt. I know she will succeed because Master Kim has her complete attention. This week he shared a story about one of his students who was obviously distressed. The young man explained that he was not as “good as everybody” he tried soccer and basketball and was very disheartened, very low self confidence.  Master Kim explained that his best course of action was to focus on himself and begin with his individual progress.  This is an achievable goal and one that can give immediate positive feedback.

Part of the process before the session ends, the students bow to the instructor, each other and finally to their parents.  Master Kim then ask the students, why do we only honor and thank our mother on that day, respect and appreciation for your parents should be a daily commitment. Taekwondo provides a focus on physical conditioning, mental and ethical discipline, etiquette, justice, respect, self confidence and leadership skills. To move to the next levels examinations are required. Earning each new stripe on the belts that lead you to Master level is great motivation and are goals and progress each student can control.
I am at a loss why everybody in our country does not reject the former President and his bid to become our first Autocratic leader.  I struggle to find one positive thing that he or his henchmen have accomplished.  The great Orange narcissist has been twice impeached and faces 90 some counts of criminal activity, including a plot to overturn an election. He has been found guilty of sexual assault and then doubling down on his defamatory statements. He is living under a gag order, unfortunately we still have to listen to his fascist fantasy. He may well lose his license to do business in New York over his questionable and fraudulent business practices.  
Trump surrounds himself with dishonest advisors, at least nine of his former associates have been arrested or convicted of crimes. We know he kept secret Government documents and likely shared them with others and lied about his possession.  I could go on but please help me understand how “anybody” could support this person of no redeeming value or values.  Keep the Wanker off the ballot, he earned that punishment.

I am just Biden my time until the GOP finally gets the guts to dump their leading candidate.  Everybody should have a friend like Jerry Breaux. Jerry got a year older this week and was serenaded by three of his four grandchildren. Jerry and Susie make a dynamic duo. Happy birthday Breaux. 

Happy New Year and best of luck finding and reaching goals important to you and your future well being.  Mike