In our current political turmoil, it is worth looking back on history. Ulysses S. Grant was elected our l8th President. In spite of the Ku Klux Klan and a “big lie” Grant unified our Country around the ideals he defended in the Civil War. Grant was the General considered most instrumental in the Union winning the War. President Lincoln chose him and stood by him because he was a fearless leader and not afraid to fight. The Lost Cause claims that slavery was not the reason for the war, Confederate States were just and heroic defending their rights to an agrarian lifestyle and states rights. This myth has resurfaced multiple times since 1866, first at the turn of the 20th Century and the second during the civil rights movement of the l950’s and 60’s. Can you think of any other myths or conspiracy theories we hear today?
Growing public support for racial equality has been the motivation behind the ‘re-imagining of slavery as a positive good’ while denying that the Civil War was fought over slavery. Confederate monuments and rewriting history were a part of the Cause. Nikki Haley had a tough time with the question of why we fought the Civil War and DeSantis is actively trying to change black history. We now have a Republican Presidential candidate who states that immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’ No, the Orange Wanker does not represent all of our nation.
President Grant agreed to run for the highest office when it because obvious that President Johnson was not going to aggressively support Reconstruction and the 15th Amendment that assured no State could deny or abridge a citizen’s right to vote, ‘on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.’ The amendment was finally ratified in l870. The vote in the House was 144 Republicans in favor and no Democrats in favor. In the Senate 33 Republicans voted yes and no Democrats. Gotta ask, when did Lincoln’s party lose its way in current time.
President Grant believed in liberty and justice for all. He made it clear that our nation did not discriminate against people of color, Jewish heritage, or Native Americans. Grant was certainly not perfect, and his administration did not always reflect his beliefs. He made mistakes but always took responsibility. The buck stopped with him, and he was regarded as an American hero by most of our country.
My research started from a Ulysses Grant Quote that I found very disturbing, “a second civil war would be “between patriotism and intelligence on one side, and superstition, ambition, and ignorance on the other.” Who said, stand down and stand by?
Pluto has fallen from Planet status, by a new Astronomical Union definition it fell to Dwarf Planet, Plutoid, Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO), and Kuiper Belt Object (KBO). Pluto deserves better, it has the most eccentric orbit of any planet in our Solar System. Pluto’s year last 248 Earth Years! It takes a long time for the KBO to circle the sun. Once every 500 years Pluto actually crosses the orbit of Neptune. Pluto rotates, so each day lasts 6.5 earth days. Temperatures down to -400F with a high of -218F, it’s cold as hell. This could be a Jeopardy question.
The Red-Tailed Hawks are building their nests around our golf Course, getting ready for mating season. This Hawk was enjoying the sunrise while he looked for breakfast. Let’s protect their environment and our democracy.