I told you last week about the end-of-life struggle of Karen’s sister. Thankfully her battle with the disease is over. The family will come together on Memorial Day week end to celebrate a life well lived.
The Beatle’s wrote so many songs, I always think of their lyrics and the wisdom and humor that is often hidden in the verses. John Lennon wrote this classic as an attempt at a campaign song for Timothy Leary’s California Gubernatorial race. Leary was a major proponent of the potential healing powers of LSD and psilocybin—psychedelic drugs. Leary was alternatively heralded as a “hero of American consciousness” and by Richard Nixon “the most dangerous man in the America.” Leary believed psychodelic’s had potential use in psychiatry. Although my view makes Leary far less than a hero, his thesis of the potential positive effects of the drugs in therapy has found new life.
But I digress, as I listened to the national news about the hush money trial of the Orange Wanker, I heard one MSNBC analyst describe Trump’s influence as a disease. Lennon wrote “ hold you in his armchair, you can feel his disease”. Lennon described the song as “gobbledygook” that was not going to be useful as a campaign song. The Lyrics are full of non-sequiturs, much like Trump on the campaign trail and on trial. Lennon described him well “he got ju-ju eyeball, he one holy roller…got to be a joker he just do what he please…come together and lets prevent this disease from spreading. You likely recall our former orange leader suggesting ingesting bleach or strong light sources may cure Covid. So who is “the most dangerous man in America.”
Our battle here in Idaho to secure an open primary, protect women’s reproductive rights, properly fund and support public schools, keep librarians out of jail, and foil the right-wing efforts to elect candidates with an agenda is picking up pace. Take Back Idaho is an organized effort to counter falsehoods and truthfully inform the electorate. They had success in the last election, 27 of their 40 candidates won their races. Please consider financial support for the group. Defend and Protect is a voice to call out and expose Extremism in our State. Idaho Leaders United is another group working to end extremism in Idaho.
The ducks are nesting in the spring runoff waters of a Crane Creek tributary. The water will slow as the snow melt concludes. I hope the ducklings are ready to fly before the creek stops flowing.
It was Megan Mooney’s 44th birthday this week. Megan is a remarkable person in all regards, just ask her parents, co-workers, spouse, children and friends. Join me in wishing her well on the journey to 45.
Take good care. Mike