Margie Marie had a wonderful seventh birthday week. The parties extend over some extra time. Margie is a Star Wars girl, born on May 4th. It is a clever idea that we recount those famous words of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to young Skywalker with a modern twist; “may the fourth be with you.”  I grew up eagerly awaiting every new episode of Wild Wild West, Mork and Mindy, The Adams Family, Star Wars, The Roadrunner (meep-meep), you know the way it was before the internet, no instant access and binge watching.  Spoiler alert meant something back in the day. 

To travel back in time, Stars Wars hit the big screen in l977. It was a great success, lauded for its story line and break out special effects. Most of the country waited anxiously for the next episode. The Empire Struck Back in l980 and Return of the Jedi entertained us in 1983.  Each of these excellent shows was released in May.  It turns out that the creator, George Lucas was born in May, not the fourth but seems like more than a coincidence.  I watched the original movie the other night and I still enjoyed it but the special effects are not so special anymore.

May fourth has one other significant meaning to our family. My brother Bob left this mortal coil one minute before Margie was born.  We all believe it was a circle of life event. Like so many memories, the fourth is sweet and bitter.

These last two weeks remind of those halcyon days of eagerly looking forward to a show, game, or my mom’s cinnamon rolls. Indeed, I am going to confess my feeling of guilty pleasure as each detail unfolds in the Orange Wanker’s hush money trial.  I hope you are following along as we learn about Catch and Kill schemes to humiliate his opponents while protecting him from the awkward truths of his behavior.

We will never know if his Access Hollywood tape combined with his infidelity with Stormy and Karen would have derailed his bid for the Presidency.  What is clear to me, the legal concept of “moral turpitude” is on point for the Orange defendant.

Ok, let’s not forget Katie and her Cinco De Mayo birthday. More parties and wine drinking with friends and family.  Katie is a great mom, exceptional businesswoman, and fast friend.  I won’t tell her age, but she is twice as old as an unbeatable hand in blackjack.

Finally, I imagine the Orange Wanker would be impressed, this picture is one big hooter. The Owl lives in a tree next to Katie’s and fears no human.  Please consider the advice of this wise bird, vote for Biden.   
