It is an age old question, which comes first?  The amniotic egg is thought to be 340 million years  of age, the first chickens are traced back only 58 million years ago. The simple answer is that the egg must have come first.  Now you know one possible viewpoint.

This week’s picture is a “vampire’s kiss” bearded iris. The Red Butte Garden in SLC has an impressive variety of specialty iris colors. All of them were in spectacular bloom on our recent Memorial Day visit.  It brought back memories of my Grandmother Mary who loved the Iris plant, only she called them “flags”.  It was the go to grave decoration among a previous generation.  Unfortunate we lost that tradition.

The vampire name started me wondering about the origin of that fable.  In modern times we give credit to Bram Stoker. Stoker’s l897, epistolary novel, defined the evil character. Most of Stoker’s research came from Transylvanian history and folklore.  Many believe it is drawn on a 14th Century Despot, Vlad II Dracul or Vlad the Impaler. Vlad was not a nice guy, reputed to impale his enemies on a blunt ended spear to extend their agony.  Regardless, the story is timeless.

So, the unanswered question is how did Dracula come to be. It seems the vampire myth attributes the curse to the damnation of God.  The vampire fears the cross because it represents Jesus, who gave up his life. A vampire fears death.  Why garlic?-it contains the chemical allicin, a powerful antibiotic. Vampirism was considered a blood disease and the antibiotic would kill the evil soul.  

Speaking of fable’s, it was most exhilarating to hear the verdict in the hush money trial of the Orange Wanker. A fable is a fictitious narrative or story.   ‘I am innocent, January 6th was a peaceful gathering, the election was stolen, I am a stable genius, I am bullet proof, I mentally declassified those documents, I only need to find 11,780 votes, I am the club champion……ad nauseum.  The Wanker is only a legend in his own mind. Come on America, send the felon in a complexion, complimentary jumpsuit and ankle bracelet to live in Florida.  

Celebrate our court system, a jury of peers, a fair and equitable Judge and our Freedom of Speech.    Mike