If only Hemingway was still alive, alas,  we must settle for reading one of his amazing novels or pondering the timelessness of a few great quotes. My favorites this week, “it takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to keep quiet.” Hemingway also said, “When people talk listen completely. Don’t be thinking what you’re going to say. Most people never listen.”  As I am forced to listen to the Orange Wanker ad nauseam and his toadies, I have begun to pay close attention to what he says. Too many of us, just tune him out. OW is such a pathological liar that we need a fact checker for even his weather comments. However, he is too dangerous to ignore.

In his Time Magazine interview, he lays out his plan for his next term(s). Yes he has not ruled out serving more than the four more years a President is allowed. He will deport 11 million immigrants including the potential of detention camps. Support for the idea of monitoring pregnancies at least in the Red states, withholding approved budget funds at his discretion, and he would be free to terminate any US Attorney who did not follow his directions. He would Pardon the 800 plus January 6th criminals who have been sentenced or plead guilty. Gutting Civil Service offices, close the pandemic preparedness office, and truly weaponize the Justice Department. He waffles on his abortion position but his far right wing staff will continue on course and consider a ban on contraceptive pills. OW desperately wants to end ObamaCare, he has no proposed solution but he doesn’t like the name. Sounds like a lot of damage to our democracy—wait there is more.

The Orange one wants to have control over the Federal Reserve. This is one of the few entities that we can rely on to be non partisan in its work. Stable interest rates and full employment are their mandate. Data dependency rules their work.  The Federal Reserve has saved our financial future multiple times, most recently as they move to slow the price increases caused by the pandemic and supply chain chaos. They are well on the way to 2% goal while keeping the economy vibrant.

No mention of Climate Change or combatting it from the wanna be 47th President. It won’t matter a hell of a lot what we do if we continue to destroy our own planet.  Those in weather or fire sensitive areas can tell about the cost of their home insurance if they can buy it.  

Ok, you hopefully already knew all of this stuff and are sufficient freaked out to join in supporting Biden and our local officials who think about what is best for their constituents and our country not their own agenda.

The Cicadas are back with two coincidentally timed hatches in the same year. Just as these harmless but irritating bugs crawl out from under the earth or their rocks, I blame Trump’s hateful rhetoric for freeing the worst motivations in our society. I can only hope when he is dispatched at the poles those crazy fascist ideal will go back into hibernation.  The Wanker recently reposted a campaign blurb that mentioned the United Reich, he likes Putin and Hitler.

Take time on Memorial Day to salute and honor those men and women who died while serving in the US military.

The picture is the first grade class program at the local school. These kids are my reminder why we must not allow the dark side to win.  Be vigilant.  Mike