This is the fastest growing sport in America. Karen and I were invited to Megan’s birthday party at, of course, The Flying Pickle. The party included instruction from two experienced players. The rules on serving are a bit complicated if you have ever played tennis but overall, it is a simple game to understand. The paddles are a bit bigger than ping pong with a longer handle and a hard whiffle like ball is the object to hit. Note to self, the ball does not bounce like a tennis ball. The tennis court is 60 feet wide by 120 feet long while the pickle ball court is 20 feet wide by 44 feet long. There are a lot of rules around the kitchen which is the six feet on each side of the net. You can go into the kitchen, but you cannot volley from that area. I thought of it as a no poaching rule in tennis. The court surface is like a tennis court. Falling down is going to hurt. Although players can be aggressive with chasing down the non-bouncing ball it is more of a game of positioning and hand eye coordination. The game is supposed to be fun, social and friendly. Most games are similarly intended until the competitive spirit is activated.
In my first game I was able to hit the ball and we had a few good rallies. I had been advised not to get tempted to chase the ball and remember it does not bounce. I took a few running steps forward to return a serve my brain told me would bounce. One more step and leaning into the shot I lost my 73-year-old balance and stumbled toward the ground. Quick reactions told me I was in the kitchen, and I could stop or slow my fall with the net. Actually, not the worst decision I could have made. My hands grabbed the top of the net, and I remained upright and not seriously injured. Pretty lucky, but it did require band aids to stop the bleeding from four fingers on my right hand. The analogy I have considered is my injury is truly a “contempt of court.”
Everyone is playing the game, and I am committing with this post that I will return to play this very interesting game.
Speaking of contempt, I have nothing but that emotion when it comes to the Great Orange Wanker. I am unable to comprehend how anyone with their bearings could support such a vile, vindictive, prevaricator, and self-centered human being. Turns out not only did he try to steal the POTUS role after his last failed attempt by promoting a coup he lied and colluded to hide his behavior from the American voters in 2016. The access Hollywood tapes should have doomed his election but the affairs with Stormy and Karen McDougal coming to light before the vote may have turned the tide for his opponent. I hope you will pay close attention to his trial.
Last week I talked about the disease that OW has spread in his party and our country. What else could explain the delusional support he now has from Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell, and Ron DeSantis. There is a long list of those who have actually worked with the former President to caution us that he cannot be trusted anywhere near the Oval Office. Liz Cheney, in her book, “Oath and Honor” tells the story around the January 6th insurrection and her work on the Select Committee that examined the involvement of the Orange Gobeshite and his enablers. There is no more dangerous man in the world to our democracy and stability around the globe. To borrow a phrase, “lock him up”.
Flying Pickle is worth a visit, 18 courts, a bar, good food and lots of band aids as well.
Margie Marie was born on May 4 and Aunt Katie on Cinco de Mayo. More about them next week but wishing them a happy birthday. 🎂🎈🎉 Mike