I watch in disbelief as our political theatre plays out in the present. In war, the term “theatre” refers to a specific geographic area where operations are to take place. A bit different than the famous Globe Theatre in London.  I will get back to that topic in a bit.

This week we remember D-Day. On June 6, 1944, the  Allied armies landed on the beaches of Normandy, France.  D-Day was often used when an attack was planned. It stands for Day-Day.  The Normandy D-Day began the most important and critical mission of the war, Operation Overlord. It also immortalized the phrase, often even today you hear an important event as D-Day.

The importance of our Allies cannot be understated. Without Great Britain, France, Austalia, Canada, the Soviet Union, and China, the war would not have been won.  Not all of the allies had the same reason to be in the battle but the common enemies drew them together. The European and Pacific Theatre’s were the geographies where the war was fought. Like a play on Shakespeare’s stage, only freedom was at stake.

Glen Brem fought in the Pacific. He was in four major battles. He tried to join the Marines at the age of 16, he had to come back a year later. Growing up he was an accomplished hunter and those skills made him a standout marksman among the recruits. Brem was wounded in one battle and the story goes he was only saved as he leaned over to release a jam in his rifle, that posture saved him from a likely mortal wound. Glen is 98 today and still living in California. Uncle Glen as he is known, was also an accomplished card player. On his way home from the Pacific he won enough money to buy an engagement ring for Aunt Muriel.

Bob Haga was an l8 year old volunteer during WWII. Like Glen he had to wait to get inducted to go and fight for his country. Bob was the grandfather of my son in Law and a finer human being never lived. Bob ended up on the Minesweeper, Chickadee. Their mission was to clear the way to Omaha Beach for the troop ships for D-Day. Bob claimed he was no hero, but he was one of the crew who picked up  the badly burned and wounded survivors of their sister minesweeper the Osprey. Bob was quoted as he prepared to return for the 75th anniversary at Normandy, “we saw planes crashing, being shot down. The sea filed with bodies……. The water was red. I will never forget it.”

Bob passed away last year but will always be remembered for his contributions to protect our country.

As we watch Putin attack Ukraine and destroy entire cities, we should again be thankful for our allies. Without NATO, we could see another Hitler like attempt to rule the world. Any right thinking American has to know that our country cannot survive in isolation. Anyone who honors fascists and authoritarian leaders should be sent to live in a place that denies basic freedoms, like speech and the press.

The Orange Wanker might be happy in North Korea with his friend or in Russia. He has called our fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers”.  He says John McCain was only a war hero because he was captured. He is now accepting references to his unified reich. How could anyone think he is the person to be the Commander in Chief.

Keep American democracy alive and well. Insist on the truth from those in our political theatre.  Don’t pass the “buck”, get involved.  
