It has become a bit of a religion in our house, watching Jeopardy. It is amazing how many answers I do not know. Periodically, there is a group of questions under portmanteau. In linguistics such a word is ‘a blend….a word formed, usually intentionally, by combining the sounds and meanings of two or more words.’ Heliport is helicopter and port, smog is smoke and fog, cyborg is cybernetic organism.  I came across a clever word this week which well defines my current state of mind in regard to the far right folks, pisstified- maybe not so obvious but a blend of pissed off and mystified. For my purposes, a condition that describes how baffled I am by their selfish extremism.

I have invested a bit of time reading  the new Idaho GOP Party platform, I assure you  it is stupefying. The definition of the word is to “put into a state of little or no sensibility: benumb the faculties of: put into a stupor….” The leadership now in control of the GOP do not want to support Public Schools and likely would vote to end any go on funding for college or other certifications.  They want to have our US Legislators eliminate the Federal Reserve System and not fund Ukraine. No surprise, they oppose an open primary and rank choice voting. Women’s rights are not a priority and the platform suggests to not include an exemption to protect the Health of the Mother. I could go on but it is clear as day where Moon and Labrador want to take this new found power.  

If I were a wizard I would summon  the “The Stunning Spell” to render the GOP unconscious. I am sure they have friends and family and I wish them no permanent harm, but maybe when they “awoke”,  they would be less mean spirited and agenda driven.  

The Lakota and other Tribes acknowledge the message of the birth of the rare white buffalo. The legend has it that 2000 years ago, when nothing was good and the bison were disappearing-White Buffalo Calf Women appeared and presented a bowl pipe and bundle to a tribal member. The pipe could be used to bring buffalo into the area for food. As she left, she turned into a while buffalo calf, with black nose, black eyes and black hooves. Wakan Gli which means “Return Sacred” has exactly those features. The story is retold by Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota people.  The buffalo calf appearance is both a blessing and a warning about the natural environment.

Chief Looking Horse recounts the prophesies passed down from his forefathers. The times we live in today were predicted. Water would one day be sold. Our sacred places have been violated and Mother Earth taken as simply a resource, not the Source of Life Itself. In our prophecies it is told “we are a crossroads: Either unite spiritually as a Global nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases, and tears from our relative’s eyes.”  

I am shedding a tear over the debate analysis. Joe Biden is a good human being who cares about  our country and each of us. The other person is a felonious, self serving Wanker.  Drill baby drill and roll back of environmental efforts is not a solution to our climate crisis.  Believe it when those who have worked with 45, say he cannot be trusted in the White House.  

Clio has adopted the toads who live in her window well. They are not endangered yet.

Stay or get engaged in the battle for our democracy.   Mike