I was very impressed with the recent Amazon renewable energy announcement. Seven years ahead of an aggressive schedule “all of the electricity consumed by Amazon’s operations, including its data centers, was matched with 100 percent renewable energy in 2023. Amazon has become the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy in the world for the fourth successive year. They have invested billion of dollars in more than 500 global solar and wind projects. To put this energy generation in perspective it would power 7.6 million U. S. homes. Amazon reports they still have work to do on reaching their net-zero 2040 carbon pledge. The future will be driven by Ai, using massive amounts of electricity and water.. How will the planet cope with the changes?
Things have changed, Bezos named the company Amazon after rejecting
“Cadabra”, his attorney thought he was saying “cadaver.” The internet was a fascination-magical- it was the foundation for his on line book selling operation. The company was renamed Amazon, “because the river was exotic and different,” and it starts with A which comes up early in search protocols. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world but carries the most volume of water. The rest is history.
In one day, my home enjoyed 4 different Amazon purchases. Several of these items were ordered the day before. Environmentally, no credit for how many miles we did not drive looking for the items. Amazon is moving to electric vehicles, over 13,000 since 2022 have gone into service. Certainly the online retailer has changed the business model of many small business and walk in stores. The A could also stand for Adaptive, something we must be to survive.
I have become a Jeff Bezos fan in most regards. He believes in our democracy, freedom of the press, planet health, traveling to outer space, committed billions in philanthropy and largely because he offered to send the Orange Wanker into space. I doubt he could do much damage up there and another colorful space object would be nice.
I know this is too long again, but I have to tell you about Princess Diana, daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta, or alternately molded from clay and brought to life as an Amazon. The Amazon were a brave and proud tribe of women. Wonder Woman as we now know her was initially depicted as fighting AXIS forces. She was not a “damsel in distress” but rather a fearless female leader. She carried the Lasso of Truth that was well used to detect lies and deceit. Can you imagine what would come out of 45’s mouth if had to be honest and forthright.
I was asked by a few folks what are we going to do about Biden? I admire and respect Joe, he has does the country’s work for many years. If he is not at the top of his game, I would like to see him step aside to allow a new leader to put an end to the MAGA threat.
Enjoy the week end. Mike