f you pay one of the on line pronunciation services $2.99 you can have several different English speakers say this native name. Wa ha ka, is close to correct. The district is in southern Mexico and borders on the Pacific Ocean. Not unlike the history of exploration and conquest, the Oaxacan’s were overtaken by the Spanish conquistadors in the early 1500’s. The population was near 1.5 million and 100 years later it is estimated that only 150,000 people remained. Gold attracted the Spanish but the diseases they brought and the culture changes did damage that lives on today. The Orange Wanker and Hitler had a point, we immigrants “did poison the blood of our country,” the native American’s live in that memory. That is our tragic history that Maga leaders want to re-write, along with slavery, the Constitution and January 6th. We can not let them succeed.
Karen, my significant other, showed me a picture of the Oaxaca ant that started me on this research project. The honey ant, as it is called, creates honey and carries it in a sack next to its abdomen, the honey is not deposited in a hive but available for sustenance. The inflated sack looks like a balloon and is far larger than the ant’s body. The natives call the ant chindudas, nature at work.
Speaking of nature, Hurricane Beryl is the earliest tropical storm ever recorded. It has devastated the Caribbean Islands with Category 5 winds and amazing amounts of rain. Why is this happening, oh, not to worry, can’t be global warming. The ocean and gulf water are at all time high temperatures, perfect conditions for a wind event.
I would suggest it is not coincidental. Consider the leadership of the current Presidential candidates. One, has a proven track record and bi partisan legislation to encourage alternative energy sources and reduce green house gases. The other individual is Drill baby Drill, eliminate the Chevron doctrine and again leave the critical agreements of the Paris accord. It is not really a choice that requires much consideration. The Democratic Party has a platform for the future of our democracy. The other guys are up in the night, looking to fulfill their own selfish fascist agenda.
A friend consoles my angst with a thought, if the Wanker wins, how much damage could he do in four years. After much consideration, it is not making me fell less anxious. It is too dangerous to find out how much damage he and his unhinged cronies can create. Please get involved and support the Democratic Presidential candidate. I am still with Biden but could easily support a strong and balanced alternative.
Is this situation affecting your sleep— consider “hurkle-durkling”, the Scottish phrase became recently popular on social media, the term simply means lingering in bed. If that doesn’t work for you, consider becoming a “floor person”, embrace the joys of resting on the floor. The suggestion does finish with a pun, “it will keep you grounded.”
Enjoy John’s red, white and blue sky phenomenon over the still pristine Payette Lake. Please stay grounded and remember what the Fourth of July means to our Country!!