It is an age-old question, “if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Although he apparently did not say these words George Berkeley is given credit for the philosophical thought experiment. The question regards observation versus perception. Carried to the extreme, if you cannot see the tree does it actually exist. Subjective idealism is a metaphysical theory to respond to these questions. As I continued to read, I got more and more confused. The information totally past me when I understood that this is a focus of physicists and was debated by Albert Einstein and his cohort as they discussed quantum mechanics. Sound can be viewed from a physical or technical perspective. I am going with sound “is the sensation in the ear when the air or other medium is set into motion.” No ears, no sound.
On Wednesday evening my daughter and son in law were fast asleep in our McCall cabin. Awaken by a sound like a freight train proceeded by a thunderous explosion. The area was under a watch for high winds, rain, and lightning. They assumed the cabin had been struck by a lightning bolt. It turns out the wind toppled a 100 foot plus tree which knocked the power line to the cabin and the electrical service off the wall, that was the explosion, luckily no fire. The booming rush was the tree as it crashed into our boat trailer, across the neighbors parking lot, damaging several vehicles before it came to a stop on a crushed portion of their deck. The picture tells the story of nature taking it course. It could have been so much worse, and no one was injured.
Lucky to have friends and family in McCall, the tree was reduced to firewood before noon. Power was restored to the neighbor and to our common well and the Insurance companies are sorting out liability and policy limits. Wish us luck. 🍀
My faith and hope for our future has been renewed!!! The Orange Wanker and his Cat Lady VP are busy digging a deeper pit for themselves. I quit listening to them, so I can honestly say they do not exist in my version of the universe. That said, Kamala is off to a rousing start to her abbreviated campaign. I can hardly wait for the debate between the Convicted Felon and the accomplished Prosector. The diversified fund raising in the early days shows an energized group of individuals who now want to be a part of history. Our first female President, daughter of immigrants from South Asia and Jamaica. Don’t be distracted by the noise coming from the GOP about her status as a citizen or her qualifications to be our President.
I truly admire and respect Joe Biden, a person who lives up to Kennedy’s question “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Joe put us ahead of his own ego and desire to finish the job. The Biden Harris administration has moved the country forward on job creation, economic vitality, Environmental rehabilitation, infrastructure, manufacturing and in reduced crime rates across the country. I would conclude with the kudos by saying NATO has been unified in large part by Joe and the fight for Ukraine must go on. Turn off your hearing aid when any Putin apologist is preaching.
Stay cool and rest assured, we have nothing to fear but a GOP victory in November. Please get involved. Mike