I spent a bit of time with my grand daughter as she shopped for back to school clothes and supplies. Clio is a lucky person as she has the unfailing support of enlightened and committed parents. Hank and Margie have the same good fortune. I am proud to say that they are all heading back to the Boise Public school system this fall. So far many people in Idaho have worked diligently to protect the teachers, administrators, librarians, and passionate leadership provided by our K-12 and go on promise. That promise is under continued threat from those who have been elected in a less  than inclusive election process.

Our Idaho legislative representation is too often elected in the Republican closed primary.  Shame on them for the action they took in 2011 to close their primary to only party members. No question why it was done as we look back. The primaries draw low voter turnout, 8% of Idahoans participate,  extreme, agenda focused candidates can prevail. In Idaho, with such a high percentage of Republican voters, the General election is often a foregone conclusion. There are  270,000 independent voters who have no voice in this system until the General election.

It seems only logical and fair to find a Primary protocol that encourages larger voter turnout. That is the premise and promise of the Open Primary initiative. The Initiative has been signed and authenticated, 97,000 qualified voters from all 44 counties want to see it on the ballot in November. No surprise, our extremist Attorney General has filed a suit to stop the vote. I am told he will not prevail.

So much intentional misinformation and confusion around this initiative. Please take a minute to click this link and learn the details of the proposal and the ranked choice process in the General election. ( I sent the link)

I am very encouraged by the Harris/Walz ticket. The early rally’s clearly demonstrate the momentum and excitement around Kamala and Tim. The Orange cockwomble has been silent for a week except of this incoherent tweets and sending JD out to try to prove he is not “weird”.  Weird was coined in relation to the convicted felon’s ramblings and plans by Walz. 

I listened to an Ezra Klein interview with Walz a few days before he was selected as the VIce Presidential running mate. I was so impressed with this down to earth person who is truly a breath of fair air. He was described as “avuncular” by a member of the Press. The word means “acting like an uncle, as in being kind, patient, generous, etc, especially to younger people.”  Synonyms would include “vigilant, heedfull, careful and solicitous”. That was my impression of Walz and I am thrilled with the prospect of an experienced, self-less human being in the White House alongside a proven leader like Harris.

Just for your consideration the opposite of avuncular likely has a picture of the Orange Wanker below the definition “malevolent, nasty, querulous, spiteful and surly as a bear with a sore head.” I guess it would be an orange bear.

I am looking forward to the upcoming debates. We can bet on everything else, what are the odd’s of a clear choice success for Kamala? Keep our democracy safe.   Mike