Hank has been riding an electric scooter to school and some after school activities. Only one minor crash but his grandparents worry, he is only 10. Today he told he may want to trade the scooter for an electric bike. He is good about wearing his helmet but it is an open faced brain bucket. Karen and I saw this great helmet as we were out shopping and I showed them to Hank on line, ‘cool’, was a positive response. On our way to his rock climbing class, we hurriedly stopped to see what size helmet he would need. What could possibly go wrong?
I had on my dark glasses and failed to see the down step in the show room. I stepped off it at full stride and went tumbling forward, catching myself before much physical damage was done. In a rare collateral event I happened to knock the display with the large Yeti style metal mugs and many of them came tumbling off the shelf and except the one that hit my head the others bouncing of the cement floor in a harmonious clanking chorus. Hank helped me up off the floor and every employee rushed to discover “what the heck”! I told the store folks I came in to get a helmet for Hank—turns out I may be the likely helmet candidate. I slinked out the door thinking a video of the event would have gone viral on Tik Tok.
So I read it is very healthy to laugh at yourself. Recognize your inglorious or embarrassing moments, accept them and embrace the humility and humanity they teach. I feel very healthy tonight.
I took the dog out for our nightly walk. The air quality is dangerous, created by the smoke from several large fires. The Redfish Lake and Stanley areas continue to be threatened as the fire has now consumed nearly 90,000 acres of timberland. If you look at a fire map for Oregon and Idaho today the number of fires burning 🔥 is unprecedented. The warming climate is largely to blame.
The Teton area presents a striking example of the climate change. David Gelles writes about it in a recent New York Times Article that I would encourage you to read. A picture from the l950’s shows the great Teton with a significant glacier. Today the glacier is markedly smaller. The stress on the ecosystem from “retreating glaciers, lakes depleted by drought and forests parched by hotter temperatures” is dramatic. The nighttime temperatures are 3-4 degrees higher over the past 100 years and winter time freezing temperatures are projected to continue to decrease over the balance of the century.
Speaking of politics, only one party has made any significant effort to address climate change. It does not appear on the radar as a planet or nation critical issue yet. The Orange Wanker reminds us of Nero, the decadent and unpopular Roman Emperor who reportedly fiddled while Rome burned. In recent history, the convicted felon, questions climate change, watched TV after inciting a riot at the capitol and predicted Covid would just miraculously disappear. The man has no empathy for anyone.
Enjoy the Tetons and please consider getting involved to elect Kamala and Tim. Mike