I have felt uncommonly emotional as I watched the Democratic Convention unfold. There were some amazing speakers, who I will mention in a bit. The vibe was joyous and positive. The Orange Doolally (crazy, deranged uncle) was called out for so many of his inglorious acts, lies and comments. All that was uplifting to my spirit. I do not think I am alone. Then I came across interesting astrological information. “This magical lunar event might bring good fortune for some zodiac signs…”. This brilliant moon is termed seasonal, it is the fourth full moon of this summer season.
August’s full moon is occurring in Aquarius, “It is a full moon that will benefit people and situations that are particularly challenging and give them hope….”. Those born under the sign will feel the most impact, you Aquarians should keep a dream diary, “those visions may reveal what lies ahead.” As a Scorpion, ruled by the planet Pluto, which is in Aquarius on the day of the full moon, “it will bring change right up to my door.’ ‘Scorpio’s self expression and interest in others, will be heightened,… it could translate into joining a political movement.’ Just in case you care, Virgo’s can expect the full moon to ‘uncover old secrets and those from your past will bring exciting information.’ Wow, I may start reading my Horoscope.
When I saw that stupendous moon, I began humming, because I can’t sing, the Credence Clearwater song-“Bad Moon Rising.” Before the DNC, I would have bought CCR’s lyrics. “I see the bad moon 🌕 rising—I see trouble on the way—I see earthquakes and lightning—I see bad times today… I hear the voice of rage and ruin…..” Indeed that is what Project 2025 have designed for our country. It serves them and their special interests well—the rest of us be damned.
Kamala and Tim represent true Freedom. In the to be immortal words of Tim Walz, those MAGA folks are “weird.” I would add, not weird like Napoleon Dynamite but a dark and dangerous hateful weird—like Putin, Hitler, or Hannibal Lector. Walz also reminded us about the value of family and neighbors and provided some good common sense advice “mind your own damn business.”
I hope you got to listen to Oprah, Michelle Obama, Pete Buttigieg and nearly every other speaker in their call for decency and respect for all people. Hope is the operative word for the future of our country under the leadership of Harris and Walz. There could not be a starker contrast between the two paths to our future. Let’s all work together to make certain the magical lunar event portends the most positive outcome for our country and the world.
Enjoy the unseasonably cool week end. Mike