I just watched the original song video that includes this memorable interjection, an expression of happiness. In l946, Song of the South was released by Walt Disney. It has proven controversial, but the sheer joy of the mixed animation is still refreshing. My children and now grandchildren still must suffer through my rendition of the song which I fear happens too frequently. The kids gave me a beautiful toy Bluebird that lives in our cabin in McCall. It always brings a smile.
The Bluebird has a biblical significance, thought to be a sign of hope, renewal, and faith’s joy. Others believe the bluebird is a good omen—expect good news.
America received great news over the last two weeks. Kamala is the Democratic Presidential nominee, and she is off to an excellent beginning in the campaign. Raising an amazing amount of money and proving her leadership, unifying, and fact-based conversational approach in each new venue. In Atlanta, she was cleverly said to find the votes that the Orange Wanker claimed were lost in the last election. The crowd began his chant, “lock him Up”. The bluebird is turning the winds in our direction.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Wanker’s interview with the National Association of Black Journalists. Proving again he is the definition of a “cockwomble”. The British slang for a “person, usually male, who is making outrageous, stupid statements and/or inappropriate behavior, while having a high opinion of their own wisdom and importance.” This name may be a better fit than my Orange “gobshite” or “wanker” monikers. Thanks again to our friends from England.
The orange “cockwomble” is truly delusional. He thinks he has done more for Black’s than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Guess he is unaware of the accomplishments of Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedy’s. I was also thinking Obama’s leadership validates the talent represented by Diversity. I am just guessing; Lincoln is considering a late-night visit to #45. Did you know that Kamala just turned black? It leads me to a conclusion.
Someday, the misinformation and basic bull-s***t, that comes from the man’s mouth will come home to roost. Proverbs 26:27 “whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.” I have some advice for the Wanker, “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” We just need America to see him for the aging, delusional, vengeful, self-serving leader he would like to be. He promises we will not have to vote again if he is elected. Save our democracy.
Ask any GOP person you meet, what is your policy in regard to Global warming and climate change. Hottest July on record, l5 catastrophic storms to date in our country, over 100 wildfires burning now, heat domes, hurricanes, dramatic rain events should not be ignored. “Drill baby drill” is just a new hole he wants to dig for our planet.
Can’t end on a note of fear, sing the song. Zip-a-Dee-doo-dah. The Bluebird is sending us a message of hope. Enjoy the week end. M