The British would say OMG means “oh my giddy aunt”. In America, “oh my God” is an often-used abbreviation that is an expression of excitement, shock, surprise, anger or disbelief. The logic that follows is my attempt at “weaving” together facts with a definite goal in mind. I must admit, I say it most every time I hear another word salad diatribe from the Orange Wanker.
Nostradamus was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer. His published works include in Les Propheties which made him a sought-after character in the middle 1550 era. He was credited for predicting many major world events. Under academic scrutiny it seems Nostradamus’s predictions are characteristically vague, meaning you could apply them to almost anything. I was thinking fortune cookie when I thought about a suitable allegory.
Going back in time to the Greek and Roman cultures tells us this desire to see the future is timeless. Astrology has been widely used since Ancient Greek and Egyptian dynasties sought to look over the horizon. Divination, predicting the future through supernatural means still has its own believers. The Greeks practiced hydromancy, divination by water, interpreting the waves created by pebbles hitting the water and the ensuing flow and colour. The Roman priests were authorized to interpret signs from the gods, while not predicting the future, their augures would interpret whether gods were happy with a particular plan. Simple, just watch the natural phenomena, lightning or birds in flight.
The Oracle’s of Delphi did not make predictions, “they went into trance and were channeling Gods, who spoke through them. Although their words were often gibberish, male priests, interpreted the answers. Much is credited to the very popular Greek god, Apollo. He was the god of music, healing, light, and prophecy. Let’s not leave out soothsayers, a class of ancient Roman minor priests, or haruspex, who were supposedly able to read the guts of sacrificed animals to predict the future. The concept was that God would reveal the future to true believers.
Nostradamus was an enlightened soul, his observations from past history were a fairly good way to guess what might happen next. History does repeat itself. Alan Lichtman, an American University History Professor, has been dubbed a Presidential Election Nostradamus by the Daily Beast. Along with a Russian Geophysicist they developed a 13 Key algorithm that has correctly picked all but the Bush/Gore election since 1984. Lichtman argues that even that election was correctly predicted as Gore won the popular vote and lost on a Supreme Court decision. The model is based on 120 years of Presidential data and therefore is not quite like dropping a stone in a pensive to check the waves.
The winner will be—Harris and Walz according to Lichtman. I truly hope his winning streak continues.
In the meantime, don’t take the prediction as the gospel. Each of us must fight for the freedom we enjoy, earned over so many years and through so many sacrifices.
Margie has claimed this Brundage mountain rock as her own empire. Enjoy the freedom of having a wonderful imagination and the education to realize there are no limits. Mike