I am very fortunate to have a few friends who push me to think about things nonpolitical.  This week I got interested in the Bay of Fundy and turn of the century sailing ships. Thanks to Mr. Breaux and Dr. Pete for stretching my scope of interest. I may mention Jack Smith but it will be “brief.”  

On a recent trip to Maine we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the very genuine and welcoming people. My friend asked if I had ever been to the famous Bay.  I have to say I had heard of it but knew no details.  It is a full day drive to experience the power of the ocean or accessible by rail or bus.  The Bay touches Maine but lies between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

The tidal range is the highest in the world, as much as 16 meters (52 ft). In one half day tidal cycle about 100 billion tons of water flow in and out of the bay, that volume is twice as much as the combined total flow of all the rivers in the world over the same time period.  Mr. Breaux explained to me that the water flows backwards during the tidal rush, he was correct. The Petitcodiac River, has a “tribal bore” up to 6.6 feet high. Surfers rode the wave 18 miles upstream to set a world record.  In several coastal villages, during low tide the boats are sitting on the bottom of the bay—they quickly ascend—as we all know—a rising tide raises all boats.

Dr. Pete shared an interesting origin story. I think most of us have heard some colloquialism about the severity of the cold we might be experiencing.  Brass monkey weather would suggest it is cold enough to freeze the tail, nose, and ears of a brass monkey.  Actually, in the days of sailing ships, all war vessels carried iron cannons. The cannons fired round iron balls. It made sense to keep the balls near the weapon, to keep them from rolling around the deck they were stacked on a square based pyramid with one ball on the top, that in turn rested on four and those on nine, and the base was 16. To keep them from rolling the metal plate was called a “monkey” and had l6 round indentations to stabilize the pile. Initially the plate was iron, the iron balls would oxidize to the plate and if it was wet in cold weather than would freeze and could not be pried free.

Most of us would not know that brass contracts much more and faster than iron when chilled. Extreme cold caused the brass indentations to shrink enough that the cannonballs came right off the monkey. “Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” stays with us today.  I like it better than colder than a banker’s heart.  
Now you know the rest of the story.  

Wouldn’t be right not to mention Jack Smith’s special counsel determination. Mike Pence kept exacting notes, and the Trump inner circle apparently recounted the words and deeds of the Wanker during the Insurrection. I hope the response from the court is more profound than, “so what.”

Enjoy another beautiful week end and please consider supporting any non MAGA politician in our local, State and Federal elections.  
