So many things to be grateful for, where do you start on your list? I have chosen to take the week to erase the current political disaster from my thoughts and only focus on those things that are truly important. What things make the cut—- family, friends, those in need;—food, shelter, medication, emotional stability, safety, ……things most of us take for granted. You can count on the Salvation Army, Idaho Food Bank, Boys and Girls Club, Rescue Mission, WCA, and other not for profits to try and fill the many voids. We are going to have to save the planet and democracy later, let’s make a difference close to home today.
Black Friday, may be the name given to environment created by the Army/Navy football game by the Philadelphia police. When the Black Knights of Army would visit for an annual football game the fans would create chaos. It is also possible that Philadelphia is responsible for the name due to numerous sale discounts offered by the local merchants beginning in the late 1950’s. One of those tradition has carried forward in this current shopping phenomenon. It is said that retailers work in the financial red and this giant sale of merchandise in late November pushes them into the black. It is estimated this year the day will generate $10 billion in sales.
If you missed the Friday extravaganza, Saturday is Small Business oriented, Sunday is Second Hand Day, and Monday is another wild day with a Cyber theme and is expected to generate over $13 billion in sales. Total week sales could exceed $75 billion. I understand not everyone can participate in this frenzy and that is a reasonable focus for the future of our country. I sincerely doubt that deporting 11 million people is the ultimate solution for the good of the order. Seems like American is already great for many of us.
What is more valuable that time spent with your grandchildren. You can enjoy the view as a kind skier offered to capture Margie and I on the summit of Brundage Mountain. Margie is 7 and loves skiing. She was my partner as her mom and brother were off skiing the bumps. We did our times tables, counted the chairs on the Bear lift, discussed her favorite U tube features, sang a few songs, and shared a chocolate bar, snickers and a Twix. Margie does not stop once the run begins, so we did top to bottom for two hours, She was delighted to know we skied over 7000 vertical feet which represents 8.7 miles of terrain. We had a shortened next day and she only got 5500 vertical. Skiing is an amazing family adventure and takes your mind off the real world for hours. I highly recommend it.
I hope you had a memorable Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the time with my most excellent family!! Mike