Edgar Allan Poe left a lasting legacy for his creative poetry and short stories that were mysterious and macabre. He is credited with the creation of detective fiction in the United States as well as a pioneer of science fiction.  His poem “The Raven” is “haunting and melancholic…..explores themes of grief, loss and mortality.” I will return to poem and today’s subject in a bit.

The raven is a very smart bird, there are over 40 species of ravens and crows. The birds are different but all belong to the genus Corvidae. It is thought the Raven is a bit brighter than the crow but both birds can plan, problem solve, and communicate. Experiments confirm the birds can solve complex problems at a three year old human level and can remember what they learned. Intelligence levels near those of the great ape have been observed.  A recent article outlines the ability of the crow and its offspring to recall the faces of humans who have threatened or irritated them. Yes, they hold a grudge and pass it down for posterity.

Speaking of the race for the White House, I wonder if anyone thinking of voting for the Orange Wanker understands his position on Climate Change. “It’s a hoax”! Ask the people in Spain who just experienced the devastation of a storm that is fueled by a warmer atmosphere and a slowing jet stream according to Climate scientists.

Gallager Re is a reinsurance broker. The company has a chief Science Officer who has compiled the 2023 insurance loss data along with observations.  The 2023 economic losses from weather and climate events totaled $301 billion of which only $116 billion were covered by insurance. The Scientist reminds us that 2023 was the warmest recorded year since l850 but likely in over 125,000 years. Measured carbon dioxide parts per million on June 3 2023 hit the highest level in 4 MILLION YEARS.  Rolling back regulations and pushing the use of fossil fuels cannot continue unabated. The costs of doing nothing are incredibly high and rising rapidly.  Vote for an enlightened leader and only politicians who get this threat to our planet.

Back to the subject, “Nevermore” reflects despair and anguish. While it can denote  mournful remembrance it is reminder of evil. In the case of the Republican Party and the head of the “Clueless Klux Klan” as Jimmy Kimmel quipped it should be the outcome of the election. What a blessing to think of Trump and his racist ism—Nevermore.

It is Halloween so enjoy Morticia, Wednesday and Thing—- they are creepy and they’re kooky.

Please get out and vote yes on Proposition One, it will refresh Idaho’s political future.  
