I often look to music, mostly from when I could understand the lyrics, for insight. I was torn this week between a few classic Beatle songs. Elton John’s Sad Songs (Say so Much) was certainly in the running. Credence Clearwater wins the spotlight for “Bad Moon Rising.” Hope you can find 2 minutes to enjoy the music and the lyrics.
I woke up in the middle of the night with a positive thought about the future of our country. It was fleeting as I realized it was just a dream. Most nights I wake up to the nightmare that is current political reality. Matt Gaetz as the Attorney General. The man is under review by his Republican buddies in the House Ethics Committee for his alleged sexual activities with an under age girl and other creepy allegations. There are so many other unqualified folks being suggested for key positions—RFK comes to mind. We will need the white rabbit to lead us out of this hole—go ask Alice.
That takes to me the runner up lyrics. “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed for far away..now it looks as though they are hear to stay..I believe in yesterday….” The Orange Wanker would be an interesting anthropomorphic character—“I am a Walrus captures him very well, “I am he as you are he, as you are me and we are all together…I am crying. I am the walrus, goo-goo g-joob”. I could imagine Jaba the Hutt as well. Finally, Elton John reminds us “guess there are times we all need to share a little pain…when all hope is gone..tune in and turn them on..it feels so good to hurt so bad and suffer enough to sing the blues.”
I feel a bit better already as I have taken a trip down memory lane courtesy of YouTube.
Thanks for indulging me as I try to move into a new phase of Friday missives.
I have to say, I am gearing up to renew the work that will be required to restore our democracy after the destruction I see coming for the new Administration. We should start today. Enjoy the moon over Hearthstone.