People like to say that history repeats itself. You likely don’t recall the English Civil War. It occurred in l642 and was fought over the balance of power between Parliament and King Charles I. Parliament fought for the right to participate in government, it was not intended to end the monarchy. Concern over the political influence of radicals within the Army led to an unlikely alliance between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. When the Royalists were ousted King Charles I was executed and in 1649 the Commonwealth of England was established. The final or Third Civil War, England’s successful invasion of Scotland by Oliver Cromwell lasted only two years. England was back in control but not until 1660 did the Stuart Restoration restore the monarchy and leave Charles II as the King.
This line of inquiry started as I read Paul Krugman’s final article in the NYTimes. He reminds us that the age of optimism has been replaced in the working class by “anger and resentment” but has crossed into the “billionaires who don’t feel sufficiently admired.” Seems like an accurate take on how our country could elect the Orange Wanker. Playing on the fears and angst of many who no longer feel they can trust the elites who are directing our country. In the conclusion, Krugman suggests we must stand up to the “kakistocracy—“rule by the worst—that’s emerging as we speak.” I had never heard this word but it comes from two Greek words “kakistos, meaning ‘worst’ and kratos meaning ‘rule.’ This term came into being in l644 as a King Charles I loyalist warned what might happen to the monarchy.” So beware “government by the worst people.”
The people who surround MAGA: Project 2025, Election Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, Q’Anon believers, RINO haters, Mysogynists, Replacement Theory advocates, Anti Woke—History Modifiers, Anti LBGTQ rights, Climate Change skeptics, Immigrant bashers, Retribution fanatics are unified behind a person with a proven lack of personal character. I am very disheartened by those who support him for the corporate or personal financial gain they expect from lowering taxes and removing regulation. The rest of us must work to protect our democracy and be in a position to put the pieces back together when this ship hits the storms of frustration that are on the political and financial horizon.
As one party in our country works diligently to restrict voters that might not support them, maybe this idea can take hold. During the l600’s there was an enlightened Irish voting status. These logical criteria got my attention. A “potwalloper” was a voter in multiple parliamentary Burroughs in Ireland. A male head of household with a “hearth” large enough to boil a cauldron (wallop a pot) was entitled to vote. Leave it to the Irish to innovate and entertain. I will drink to that.
Happy Birthday to John Thomas Mooney, DDS, retired. My brother is now the longest lived Mooney male, his digits add up to 15, which was a very good year for him. Join me in wishing Jack, happy birthday.
This unfortunate picture of me Basque-ing in the beret followed this Xmas dancing event at the local Basque block. Margie encouraged my participation. Enjoy the week end. Mike