So many things in this world I did not know. I am familiar with sponges, natural and synthetic. Sponges are plentiful in our oceans. Not unlike corals, they are immobile aquatic invertebrates. The sponge is a member of the phylum Porifera. It is a simple animal with no mouth, muscles, heart or brain. There are thought to be over 9000 species with all but 150 living in ocean or brackish water. The sponge helps create habitat, filtering particles from seawater while they contribute to carbon, nitrogen, and silica cycling. The ocean ecosystem is important to the health of our planet. Glass sponges are considered the oldest living animals on earth as they thrive for more than 10,000-15,000 years. Sponges have enemies in addition to we humans; some fish, turtles, and other predators are “spongivorous”, they only eat sponges.
During a mini vacation to Phoenix, Meg and her family discovered the secret of the luffa. I knew it was a sponge, but I did not know it is the product of a plant. The luffa is a unique summer squash or gourd that can be eaten raw or cooked when young but becomes large and fibrous once mature. Grown on a trellis in warm climates the gourd can be several feet long, resembling a very large zucchini. When dry you harvest the seeds for roasting and clean the fibrous center for shower sponges. The plant is prolific in the right climates. Before you begin an exfoliation regiment, you need to know that dermatologists advise not using the sponge on your face as it can be too abrasive. It is also true that most sponges including the loofah can carry bacteria as they do not fully dry.
As you pursue your best facial/skin treatment it is good for you to know that sponges have their place but not without potential complications. Synthetic sponges would seem to be a viable alternative, but it has been shown that they harm the environment whether they end up in a landfill or shed microfibers that end up in our drinking water and other products. The silicon scrubbers are a good alternative, a long lasting, antibacterial, and as they dry faster and more completely represent a safer alternatives to traditional sponges. Enough about sponges, unless you want to understand the goal and popularity of Sponge Bob, who lives under the sea in a pineapple. Maybe a topic for later.
A friend suggested we create/adopt an orange slime puking emoji with a bouffant. I did some research and there are several applications that would allow me to create such a treasure. The idea would be that each time Fearless Leader tells a lie, provides misinformation or just proposes something exhibiting a lack of empathy or mercy the non MAGA-cite response would be just the emoji. Things go viral for many reasons, I am thinking the suggested emoji would be a way to protest and stand up to the craziness.
I was heartened by The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Diocese of Washington, speaking truth to power at a post inaugural prayer ceremony. Sitting in the front row, The Wanker and his minions were speechless, a miracle in itself. “The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals”, but “but good neighbors and “faithful members” of religious communities. “There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives.” “Have mercy” was the message and “honor the dignity of every human being.” The school yard response to her sermon would earn my first use of the orange puking emoji.
Please stay engaged and don’t be silent. Mike