It is difficult to dispute that what is happening today in our country is significantly different than l930’s Germany. I outlined last week the commonality of the words and actions of the last few days and those of the Furher. The German word, dunkelflaute translates to “dark doldrums” or “dark wind lull” in English. This is a weather phenomenon that describes a period of time when there’s little to no wind or sunshine for extended periods. You meteorologists might know it better as “anticyclonic gloom”. “High pressure traps moisture near the earth’s surface creating dull, grey and cloudy weather with a high chance of mist and fog.” Nothing could be less clear than the future of our country with an unchecked Orange wanna be King unleashing a Demon mode puppet master on our government.
Will we have a monarchy or an oligarchy? In 1783 our revolutionary war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. George III was the last monarch of the US. In England the Monarch and the Parliament operate as a unitary democracy. Not much doubt that at a minimum the OW is seeking an Oligarchy, “rule by few”, from the Greek, a form of government in which power rests with a small number of people. In history the leaders shared some “ common characteristics; ….nobility, fame, wealth, education or corporate, religious political or military control.” Money is the common denominator for the new Administration. Musk invested $277 million in the 2024 election, it earned him access to Treasury payment systems and other data that should not be available to a private, super conflicted, non elected citizen under any circumstances. $16 billion went into the 2024 election much of it without any disclosure of the donors.
I could be wrong in the chosen form of government, Putin has built an authoritarian dictatorship. The Bro-mance is strong so perhaps that is the future POTUS sees for himself in this country. Stay tuned while we still have a media that can report the facts.
On a lighter side, Karen and I have watching a lot of stuff other than the daily news. I get sick every time I hear Trump or one of the lackey’s spin the tale of their great work. This week we watched a documentary about a very cool cat. The Pallas’s cat (octocolubus manul) is a small wild cat with very dense fur and rounded ears set on the sides of its head. The cat is a couple of feet long with up to a bushy 12 inch tail. They are well camouflaged and adapted to cold climates of Central Asia. You could see one on your way up to hike the Himalayas, they are not endangered at this time.
What is a Pastafarian? It was new to my knowledge, so I discovered they are followers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a satirical religion that originated in the United States. The religion is a reaction to the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. The essential belief of the church is that humans evolved from pirates and that a Flying Monster created the world. The faithful wear colanders on their heads in homage to their pasta diety, they vow to “reject crazy nonsense”………. I am joining their group.
Don’t give up hope, many people are pushing back against the “crazy nonsense”. A friend sent me a picture of a bumper sticker that says it all—“Are we great yet?-‘cause I just feel embarrassed.” I am pre booking our tickets for the first annual Gaza/Riviera golf tournament.
We are celebrating Karen’s semisesquicentennial on Saturday. Yes, believe it or not she is still taking care of her family as she prepares to experience her next trip around the sun. I am 75% sure she will enjoy her well planned surprise!!