I continue to enjoy my daily early morning walk with the dogs.  Although Thursday is officially the first day of spring, it is unusual to have the many foothill creeks running with crystal clear water from runoff in mid March.  The dogs love to drink and swim in the cool water.  I find myself drawn to the comforting “babbling brook” sound as the water flows down through the rocks and rolls quietly over the falls. My walk is therapeutic and energizing.  It is one of the few distractions that I have found from our current global health crisis. I encourage each of you to invest time outdoors – walking, hiking, biking, golfing, while observing social distancing and recommended hygiene protocols.

You will see that we found time on the first day of spring to take the grandkids for a hike up Bob’s Trail.  It was a busy hiking path and the kids enjoyed the walk and especially the opportunity to jump in the stream puddles. The joy they found is clear on their faces. The journey made our day and I trust it will do the same for you.

Finally. The entomology of the idiom “up the creek” is 20th century military slang referring to being lost on patrol. An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning can’t be understood from the ordinary meaning of the words within it.  There are over 20,000 idioms in the English language. This comes to mind as I watch the total ineptitude of our Fearless leader – each day he adds “insult to Injury” by fantasizing about Miracle cures, perfect and abundant tests, declaring the Government is “not a shipping clerk” in the face of desperate needs for masks, eye wear, swabs and ventilators.  Thanks to all of those elected officials who are leading their own states and communities through this crisis, without them we would truly be “up the creek, without a paddle”.

I conclude that Eileen Caddy is on point, “a soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder.” I sincerely hope, the most recent dishonesty, lack of empathy and leadership is the “last straw” as America considers the  choice of a President to rebuild America.

Please take a minute to thank our health care professionals. Stay healthy.  Mike