I have been reading about the mental health issues. A few politicians would like to blame the ongoing gun violence on mental instability. Seems like a winning argument unless you consider the gun is the implement of destruction. No gun-especially assault style weapon- less catastrophic outcomes. I am not an expert on the topic but logic would suggest i could be correct.

Rainn Wilson, portrayed Dwight Schrute on the “The Office”, is the subject of a recent New York Times article by Jaycee Dunn. The article is cleverly titled, “Well”. Wilson is a recognized comedian and actor. Wilson has long battled anxiety and depression. Crippling panic attacks led him to search for relief, drugs and alcohol did not work. Wilson has a new travel series about the Geography of Bliss, the happiest and unhappiest places could help him to unlock the secrets of well being. Finland is the happiest country in the World Happiness Report, followed by Denmark and Iceland.

“Study after study has found that people who have robust relationships with friends, family and community are happier and healthier. Rainn says, even in Bulgaria which ranks 77th, he found “pockets of joy”  it is of note that our Country is not in the top 10, no surprise to me, the culture war has created a high level of tension and fuels extremist rhetoric and aggression.  Our country does better when we have a common goal, could we get back to protecting democracy and truth—skip the discrimination that is the basis for much of the hatred.

I have always heard to lower blood pressure mentally go to your happy place. I thought of this topic as I enjoyed watching MMMa swim in Payette Lake, on a warm spring day, without a soul in sight, under the still snow capped peaks. I feel empathy for those who do not have a serene place to recharge batteries.

The Happiness report saw for a second successive year that various forms of everyday kindness, such as helping a stranger, donating to charity, and volunteering are on the rise all of which “lead to and stem from greater Happiness.”

Do not overlook or put off the need to consider and act on mental health challenges you or your family may face. Each of us can start by employing the golden rule.

Enjoy the week end.   Mike