Can you believe summer is over? Time does seem to fly. Most of us are only too aware that in spite of 1964 Rolling Stones hit, “Time is on My Side” —it is not. Only yesterday, our 40 year old daughters were children. Hank is now 9 and the grand girls are 6. Our son in law, Holt, was lamenting how old he felt as we celebrated his 40th birthday this week. My words of wisdom-enjoy each day.
One of the advantages of older age is you often have the chance to look outside in the middle of the night. Don’t get me wrong, glad to wake up each new day. The last two mornings offered a spectacular sight, the Super Blue Moon. Standing in the drive way at 2:30 in the morning in my pajamas might have been the other “sight” as I tried to get my camera to stop flashing. The picture does not do the unique celestial event justice but Apple has not fully trained me on light settings.
The Blue Moon, two full moons in one month, occurs on average once every 2.7 years. The Super Moon occurs when the moon is at its closest point in its elliptical orbit to the earth. That point is called the perigee, and the moon appears 7% larger than the average full moon and 14% larger than when the moon is at its apogee. The moon looks bigger and brighter. You can see another Blue Moon in May of 2026. Amazingly enough there will be two super blue moons in January and March 2037. I hope each of us are alive and in good health for the next lunar show.
Right now I am shooting for seeing my 1000th moon, which is approximately 80 years and 10 months on the Western calendar. In practice I learned the celebration is traditionally held 3 full moons before a person’s 81st birthday. It is Hindu custom to honor those who have lived 29530 days, the celebration rituals; pooja, havan are observed. Elders have wisdom and have lived through joy, trials, and tribulations. The date is set, eight years from today, If I make it maybe Karen will throw a big to do for all the “Moon-eys” friends and family.
We are all so much richer for diversity in our lives. Idaho is too great for hate. Enjoy the planet and do everything you can to protect it. Mike