Are Karen and I the only people who can no longer stand to watch the news? The animosity and hatred expressed  is a constant theme. I can blame the Orange King for much of the vitriol, he is obsessed with getting even with everyone who ever crossed him. Fine, it would  be easier to deal with if there were not so many people who agree with him or fear him and continue to enable and encourage this behavior. The Republican Party has allowed him to put our democracy at risk. The Wanker should have been impeached and now he faces multiple indictments, he is running for his very freedom. Declaring he will be a Dictator is not a joke, he admires and would emulate Putin, Kim Jong Un,  Victor Orban, and Xi Jinping.  We can only allow him back into the Oval Office to clean the ketchup off the walls from his many tantrums.

We lost one of the great souls this week. Norman Leer passed away at the age of 101. Leer made American look at itself and confront the issues of the day. All in the Family was a groundbreaking Sitcom. Archie was a bigot and a mysogynist in his role. As we got to know him over the years we found he did have redeeming qualities.  Leer’s son in law was asked what was unique about Norman. “He was an honorable person” he went on to describe him as possessing “engaging curiosity”.  Leer liked people and genuinely wanted to know about them, their goals, joys, regrets and fears. Leer was a great communicator and master listener. The run of hit sitcoms ranged from All in the Family, to the Jeffersons, Sanford and Sons, Maude and other groundbreaking television. His work opened our eyes and our hearts.

Liz Cheney, Liz Cheney, Liz Cheney if I say it enough times maybe she will end up leading the Republican Party. If you have any doubt about the qualifications of the Former President to be back in the White House, her book will give you pause.  It is an abuse of our forefathers intentions to allow a pathological liar to make up history and facts under the guise of free speech. There is no question of the Wanker’s intent to remain in the Office of the President by any means necessary.  We will only be rid of him when he loses one final election.  

If you don’t believe Liz, listen to Cassidy Hutchinson. A true American heroine, she continues to speak the truth about The Former President. Cassidy emphatically said this week, she will “do Whatever it takes” to keep him out of the White House. Hutchinson’s view is clear “a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism.”

Ok, so I did sneak in a bit of news this week, we all must be informed voters.  Speaking of Debates, the Republicans are down to four potential candidates, how can Vivek in the running—truly stunning.

For an uplifting end to this weeks message, enjoy Margie and Hank as they participate in the  seasonal Basque dancing festival.  I appreciate the attention and commitment of the Basque community to their heritage and traditions. It was uplifting to see the children in action!!

Please consider a call to our U S. Representatives and Senators—-fund Ukraine and Israel now. The Border has been an unaddressed issues by both parties for far too long—do not hold our allies hostage over our Southern Border.

I am hoping the atmospheric river dumps snow in our mountains.  Take good care.
