The wisteria plant grows out of control if left unchecked. I found it interesting that the American variety is less aggressive than the Chinese or Japanese varieties. Often referred to as the “mysterious wisteria” the plant heralds the arrival of spring with its unusual cascading flowers. It is also a symbol of rebirth, as the winter barren tangle of stems transforms into a “fairy like” jungle of upside down flowers.

The plant can be invasive, its vines strangling out nearby trees and shrubbery. It can also do significant damage to your home as it grows under siding and roofing shingles to support itself. You should also know that the leaves and seed pods are toxic, especially to dogs, cats and other animals. If ingested they will make humans very sick but would probably not be fatal.  My wisteria investigation made me think of Trini Lopez, who sang, Lemon Tree….”very pretty and the lemon flower smells sweet, but the fruit of the lemon is impossible to eat.” I think I prefer his version of “If I Had a Hammer” both are worth dialing  up on your favorite music app.          

As I have gotten older I tend to get distracted quickly from a topic and move onto something else. Before I do that, wisteria symbolizes specific beliefs in many different cultures. In Buddhism, a double wisteria in its official crest forms a circle representing humility as well as an open and welcoming mind and heart.’ To the Japanese Kabuki,  a Wisteria Maiden “embodies a spirit that is romantic and shy.”   The Victorians believed the plant symbolized passion and longing, due to the clinging nature of the wines. Likely enough about a plant and how it continues to influence our lives.

I mentioned age and I cannot sign off without telling you that my friend John turns 70 very soon.  I found a couple of very clever cards and inserted my own version of Hallmark thoughts. We have a mutual friend who we refer to as the Zen master. So from the Maharishi Yogi-timeless wisdom. “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over! Baseball is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical.”  From Abraham Lincoln, “In the end, it’s not the year’s in your life that count, it is the life in your years.”  Happy Birthday John.

Our country is forever in debt to President Lincoln,  his exemplary leadership, bravery and self-sacrifice live today.  Lincoln would likely roll over in his grave at the current state of the Republican Party. Like the wisteria, left unchecked, the Orange Wanker and his minions threaten our democracy. Please get involved and protect our freedoms.   
