I watch and listen mostly in sadness to the current state of the United States and Idaho political leadership. Karen and I have re-engaged with the real world in the last few weeks as we are following Canadian’s in an “elbows up” approach to the current oligarchical direction.
There are so many things that harken back to the l958 story about the “The Ugly American.” It was written about a stereotype that depicted our travelers as “exhibiting loud, arrogant, self-absorbed, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric” behavior. President Kennedy created USAID by Executive Order in 1961. Doing the right thing by “providing economic development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States. That focus on soft power has served us well, we were the beacon of democracy and freedom until January 20th. Now, we are reviled around the free world.
I am focused on intended outcomes of nationalism—“identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.” We are told that “tariffs” are beautiful. Check the Stock market this week for the view of investors in regard to the chaos created by tariffs, especially on our allies. This mis-guided attempt to bring manufacturing back to our country, if that is truly the goal, will only go hand in hand with our isolation. In a world of open markets this is a step backwards for the economies of the world.
Science has been responsible for much of the progress in our world over the centuries. Measles and Polio were eradicated and Covid vaccines were developed in record time. Technology continues to accelerate our ability to be more productive and efficient. Much of the early industrial progress was done at the expense of our planet. Global warming is an existential threat to our children and grandchildren. The announcement to roll back significant Environmental guidelines to “Make America Great Again” is truly “self absorbed, arrogant, thoughtless” and self serving. Let your representatives know you are going to fight for the planet our children will inherit.
Here at home we face the same self centered approach to politics. An Ada School district teacher was told to take down her poster that said “everyone is welcome here”. The poster had a series of childrens’ palms with a heart in the middle of each. Yes the hands represented multiple races and I guess that is too woke? The teacher, at great personal risk went on the “208” to tell her story. Our legislature wants us to mandate reading the Bible in our public schools. They refuse to make exceptions to protect the life of a pregnant mother and insist DEI is discriminatory.
The Orange Wanker has created a mine field for our country, his Party and himself. The term emphasizes “there are a lot of hidden dangers or problems, and people need to behave with care because things could easily go wrong.” Tariffs, re-writing unfavorable history, alienating our allies, relaxing environmental policy, women’s rights, supporting Russia, firing people without cause or notice, ending humanitarian aid, punishing Blue states, bullying and threatening anyone brave enough to speak up, buying a TESLA….the list is long. Some good advice, we should not step into a minefield to pick up a quarter. Together we will find a way through the travesty of the last Presidential election.
I know we must fight to protect diversity in our country. Hats off to the Basque community who are true American’s while valuing their history and culture. Jaialdi will be celebrated in Boise this summer, put it on your calendar.
Elbows up for what is right and just. Mike