Walking the golf course in the early morning we see a lot of wildlife.  This morning we encountered a plover.  The bird is included in a widely distributed group of  66 wading birds.  The bird ran just in front of us as we followed the stream flowing rapidly from the spring run off.  The killdeer is a name more familiar and the pairs nest in the spring and produce a clutch of 4 to 6 beige eggs with dark markings. Both parents incubate the eggs and both protect the eggs with various proven but dangerous approaches.  You may see a broken wing or “injury feigning”, or the “ungulate display” where the bird raises its wings, exposes its rump, lowers its head, and charges the intruder.  Early stages of incubation earn the act of running ahead of the predator to lead them away from the nest.  When the eggs hatch the young are precocial – starting to walk within days of birth and being led by parents to denser vegetation for additional safety.  They are mostly on their own after a few weeks.  A group of plovers is called a congregation, fitting for many as we approach Easter week end.

I draw a comparison with we human parents, not much we would not do to protect our offspring.  A striking difference is how long the concern carries on, our oldest daughter is nearing a pre-milestone birthday next week.  She is very independent and self sufficient but that does not stop us from worrying about her well being. The grandchildren are precious and yes, we all protect them as much as possible.  Margie turns 2 in early May and offers her parents a highly volatile – happy, loving, sad, grumpy, obstinate, heartwarming index.  I have heard “terrible two’s” as the explanation for this unpredictability.  It does not matter to what you attribute the behavior,  we just need to enjoy it. Each of us are unique and parenting requires attention to the those needs. As I watch our daughters deal with the emotions of raising children, I periodically ask,”what were you thinking?” Every day should be parents day. I like the thought, “ever had a job where you had no experience, no training, you weren’t allowed to quit, and people’s live were at stake?  That’s parenting.” It also seems true that “everyone knows how to raise children except the people who have them.” P.J. 0’Rourke

Friends forever. Enjoy the spirit of the Easter Season.  Mike