

A basin that normally retains waters and allows no outflows to other external bodies of water is endorheic. The Caspian Sea, The Great Salt Lake, formally known as Lake Bonneville, and Malheur/Harney Lake in Oregon.  With only evaporation or seepage to allow...
Goose Creek

Goose Creek

I keep thinking that summer is going to arrive in Idaho. So far, we have mostly seen sub normal temperatures and lots of rain.  The forest is that shade of green that is difficult to describe, it is iridescent, luminous colors that seem to change from every angle....
Invasive Species

Invasive Species

I am not an allergy sufferer, very fortunate, so I can enjoy that every plant is in bloom. There are so many flowers to view and appreciate, trees in bloom, and lots of wild poppies and yarrow. I wish I could overlook all of the invasive species that are threatening...
On the Rocks

On the Rocks

One of my favorite movies is Never Ending Story. I am going to tell you I was only watching it because of Hank. Regardless, it is an exciting tale that unfolds as a young student, Bastian, reads the book and imagines himself as part of the action. Atreyu the hero, on...


Amanda Gorman is an inspirational woman. She grew up in Los Angeles, with a twin sister, raised by a single mother who taught the sixth grade in Watts. Amanda graduated with honors from Harvard in 2020 with a degree in sociology.  She was chosen the inaugural National...